11 SHIFT SHOP Rules: Chris Downing Shares How to Get Motivated and Stay There

SHIFT SHOP is one of Beachbody’s toughest cardio programs, so Super Trainer Chris Downing begins each workout with a Shop Rule — a motivational statement to help keep you going to the very end of each session.
“SHIFT SHOP is one of those programs that force you to look within and understand that you already have all the potential you need within you to accomplish anything you want,” says Downing. “With these shop rules, I’m speaking directly to you, to make that shift mentally and motivate you to not give up and to be the absolute best you can be.”
We sat down with Chris to learn how he devised his shop rules and what makes them so motivational.
11 Shop Rules of SHIFT SHOP
1. Try before you modify
Chris Downing: Sometimes when you’re doing a workout and it starts getting challenging, you immediately go to what’s easy. So, this shop rule reminds you to try as hard as you can, and at least try the move when you’re tired, and only go to the modification if there’s no other way.
I recommend this because it’s at that edge where we want to give up, is where we grow; that’s where we get better, that’s where we get stronger.
It’s when you get out of your comfort zone you often do what’s safe and comfortable, but then you miss out on experiencing how strong you really are, or how much further you can really go.
2. You need form to perform
This rule is a basic rule in fitness. You must have correct form to get the absolute best results you can get from each exercise, as well as to avoid injury.
When your form is on point, your mind is more focused, and you feel like you’re in the zone because your body and mind are in sync. When everything is in sync it’s a huge confidence booster.
3. Breathe through it
This shop rule is for a core workout. During this workout, there are so many challenging moments. Sometimes these workouts can stir up anxiety and because it’s challenging you either want to stop or slow down.
But if you just calm your mind down by slowing down your breathing, and just breathe through it, you calm that storm in your head.
Oftentimes, it’s just your mind telling you that you can’t finish the workout, not your body. By calming the mind with deep breaths, you can usually finish that set. This shop rule is definitely one of the key mental components of the program.
4. Love yourself
This one is probably the most important Shop rule because your number one fan is yourself. And until you truly love yourself, you’ll never appreciate the journey, you’ll never appreciate who you become, you’ll never appreciate all of your gifts, talents, and your service to the world.
You show that you love yourself by keeping a healthy body and mind. You love yourself enough to take care of yourself. You love yourself enough to make sure you maximize everything, every aspect of your life at its maximum potential.
5. Don’t let the move finish you; you finish the move
When you’re doing a move, there is that moment of engagement between you and the exercise. I’m very competitive, but I don’t believe in competing with other people, rather I believe in competing in the moment. It’s competition between the “old you” and the “new you.”
When you’re doing an exercise for a long time and you start feeling the burn, that is when you make a decision: Am I going to finish this move to the end this time? Or, is the move going to finish me first?
And I decide: I’m not going to let this move tap me out before my time is up. I’m not going to let some dumbbell that can’t even speak control me. I want to dominate that thing.
6. Go toward the burn
The burn in the muscles can represent so many things. It can represent a strong hold on your life or it could represent something that’s a struggle for you.
But how I think of it is, when I feel that burn it’s trying to stop me and push me back to being complacent. It wants you to stop the exercise and go back to being mediocre.
So, rather than stopping and going back, I say, “Go towards the burn,” since the results you want are actually right on the other side of that burn. So you got to celebrate that burn.
When that burn gets there, I think, “OK, I know who you are, and I know that what I want — and what I truly need to be the best I can be — is right on the other side of you. So I go towards you to get what I want.”
7. Celebrate the challenge
This Shop rule is really special to me because oftentimes in life when we’re challenged we go into a corner, we hide and shut down. We see the challenge as an obstacle preventing us from getting what we want.
But how about making that mental shift of seeing that challenge as something to welcome and celebrate, because we know that our goal is right on the other side of it? Realize that this challenge is there to develop us, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
So, we need to celebrate challenges and say, “Thank you, I needed you in order to become the person that I am today. And, if it wasn’t for this challenge I wouldn’t have become that person. I needed it, so thank you. I celebrate you.”
Seeing challenges in this way will motivate you to not quit when it gets hard.
8. Go bigger to get better
This shop rule relates to a weightlifting workout that is in week two. You’re doing the program, you’re getting stronger, and you’ve got to make a decision: Do you stay at mediocre or do you push yourself?
If you’re lifting 12 to 15 pounds at the start, then these weights should become easier by the second week and it’s time to add some weight. Don’t stop your momentum; keep going, keep adding weight.
Keep doing what it takes to bring out the best in yourself and maximize your results in this program. Don’t settle.
9. Just one more
This shop rule is for the super core workout. When you get tired, just say to yourself, “Just one more rep, no matter what.” When that time clock is ticking down, don’t stop with a second to go, give me one more.
Just when you think you can’t push anymore, I know you’ve got one more in you, you’ve got one more crunch in your spirit.
10. Push with purpose
This shop rule for an intense weight training workout where you got to dig deep to lift those heavy weights. So, I urge you to push with purpose. To motivate you to lift heavy, ask yourself, “Why are you doing this?” Don’t do anything without a purpose.
If your purpose is to be in the best shape of your life, then when those challenges come up, when you get tired, remember you got to keep pushing because you’re pushing for a reason.
This isn’t punishment; you’re pushing for a purpose. So, you’ve got to know what that purpose is — what is your “why.”
Before you start the program, write down why you’re doing it, write down your purpose, and keep that paper with you so you can look at it during these tough workouts so you don’t give up.
11. Anything is possible
This shop rule sums it up. Anything is possible if you believe if you can see it in your mind and connect with it emotionally, and give it a heartbeat.
By emotionally connecting to that vision you can achieve that goal, it is possible. It’s clear in your mind now, so all you have to do is develop and nurture that vision—don’t give up—and give birth to it. Whatever that vision is, it is possible.
Want support doing the SHIFT SHOP? Contact your Team Beachbody Coach to join a Challenge Group!
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And, if you’re looking to connect with others who are also doing the SHIFT SHOP, head on over to the SHIFT SHOP community boards!