Beachbody Results: 50-Year-Old Lost 45 Pounds and Won $1,000

Beachbody Results: 50-Year-Old Lost 45 Pounds and Won $1,000

David Schutt lost 45 lbs. in less than a year (at age 50!) with FOCUS T25INSANITY MAX:30, and P90X3. He entered his results into The Beachbody Challenge and won $1,000!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
In 2013 I had open heart surgery to replace a leaking aortic valve. It was not weight related but my overall fitness was not great. It took a while to recover and during that time I had gained weight and had not been able to stick with any particular program for any length of time. I tried a few weight training programs but I was not seeing results and was not slimming down. I found out about Beachbody, and that was the golden ticket!3

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I was 50 years old, 5’9” 206 lbs. and 38 waist. I looked like a broken old man.  In July 2016, I started FOCUS T25, followed the nutrition plan, and I never looked back.

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
One thing I didn’t do in my previous weight loss attempts was really change how I was eating. I half-assed it, but the more I researched and the more I became committed to achieving my goals, the more I knew I had to change my eating habits too. I found the nutrition guides in FOCUS T25 and P90X3 to be very helpful. Beachbody changed my life, that is the bottom line. I know that fitness is a lifestyle not a 10-week program. I have CIZE and CORE DE FORCE all lined up for when I finish P90X3!

Beachbody Results: 50-Year-Old Lost 45 Pounds and Won $1,000

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I think FOCUS T25 is the best program to start your fitness journey. I love the 25-minute time limit. And, I love lifting weights too, so the Beta and Gamma phases (which incorporate weights) were a great addition for me. I personally saw dramatic results from that program. Then, INSANITY MAX:30 was tough! But, it was a great next step from T25. Shaun T is my favorite trainer, because he made me “Trust and Believe” in myself. P90X3 looked like it had a little bit of everything I was looking for in a fitness program. I found Tony Horton to be entertaining and there was a great variety of workouts. I get bored easily if I’m doing the same thing day in and day out. I also found that 30 minutes was the perfect amount of time I could commit to without failing. I loved the combination of weights, plyometrics and cardio; it is as if they designed the course just for me! I never got bored. I don’t like programs that are all cardio or all weights. Tony is informative, casual, not intimidating and knowledgeable. The key for me is finding programs that are 30 min or less. This was a home run on all levels!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
2 things. I actually have abs! Not a 6 pack — yet — but abs nonetheless! The second is my family which is very very stingy normally on compliments and positive support have actually said “You look good!” “We can really tell a difference!”

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I am more confident. I walk taller with better posture. I am not afraid of challenging myself and know that a little progress is all I need to achieve each day.

Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
3Always consult with your physician about your unique medical needs before starting any fitness program or nutrition product.