15 Hilarious Memes About Learning How to Cook

15 Hilarious Memes About Learning How to Cook

Like many of us, you’re probably cooking many more meals at home, and we can attest that learning to cook on the fly is harder than it seems.

Let’s not even mention how hard it is to stick to a healthy eating plan during this time — see hilarious weight loss memes here.

Even though we may have already botched dinner — again — we want to add to the growing list of food memes on the inter-webs, so check out our favorite funny cooking memes to lighten the mood.

1. #Adulting

The best one-ingredient recipe out there.

2. What do you mean, can I cook?

We should leave the more advance techniques to the chefs…

3. I’m a stickler for the rules.

When you forgot you were thawing a frozen turkey in the sink.

4. Pancakes, always and forever!

“Why would anyone ever eat anything besides breakfast food?”

5. Grandma’s always lookin’ out.

Don’t even think of telling her that you already ate before you got there.

6. Every day of my life.

We have to do more work after getting back from the grocery store?!

7. Prepping for the fried rice tsunami headed my way.

We’re going to need a clean up on aisle the-entire-kitchen-floor.

8. Refrigerator sorcery fully approved.

If I say the magic words, a fully-prepared dish will appear.

9. Ben Wyatt Woman of the Year!

When your husband just never knows when to turn off the humor.

10. Expectation vs. Reality.

This is why it’s so hard to eat our greens!

11. Living vicariously through the internet.

A hamburger where the buns are pizza and the pepperonis are mini-cupcakes? Yes please!

12. Now, who’s gonna clean up this mess?

But damn it if that isn’t the best bowl of pasta you’ve ever had.

13. Truth.

Just show me the recipe so I can decide that it’s too complicated and just order delivery instead.

14. What’s grosser than gross?

Mood: ruined.

15. Who’s got ten fingers and knows how to type?

Momma didn’t raise no quitter.