These Four Ladies Got Healthy and Won $1,000 in the Beachbody Challenge!

These Four Ladies Got Healthy and Won $1,000 in the Beachbody Challenge!

These ladies transformed their bodies and their lives at home with Beachbody fitness and nutrition programs, and they each won $1,000 as monthly winners of the the Beachbody Challenge contest June 2017! See their jaw-dropping before & after photos…

Katie Green, age 25, from Sharpsburg, GA lost 115 pounds in 10 months using various programs via Beachbody On Demand. She was inspired to get fit so that she could start a family!

Katie Lost 115 pounds in 10 months!

She says: “I weighed in at a whopping 276 lbs., and blood work revealed that I was pre-diabetic. My husband and I were ready to start a family, and I knew that being extremely overweight would put me at high risk for many complications during pregnancy. I needed to get a grasp on my weight and become healthier before trying to conceive… The first few weeks were the hardest, because I was sore and hurting all over. As I pushed through each and every workout I found myself getting stronger, and the accountability of my Beachbody Challenge groups really helped me to overcome my obstacles. My Coach and fellow challengers motivated me and cheered me on throughout the entire length of the challenge. They taught me that it was okay to slip up, but instead of allowing it to defeat me, I had to get up and keep moving on… This program has helped me lose 115 lbs., and I could not be happier. I love what I see when I look in the mirror and no longer hate shopping for clothes! I am so proud to say that I am no longer at risk for diabetes, and my doctor states that I am overall very healthy and cleared to begin trying to conceive a child, which was my original motivating factor. I am excited to continue this lifestyle and maintain it through pregnancy and beyond. I would like to be a healthy role model for my future children so that they do not have to face the same struggles that I did.”

Adrienne Brainard, age 39, from Las Cruces, NM is a mother of 3 who lost 112 pounds in 15 months! She wanted to be healthy and set a good example for her kids. She found Beachbody and the rest is herstory!

Mom of 3 lost 112 pounds in 15 months!

She says: “I have three children, and I am a stay at home, home-school mom. I had essentially given up and accepted that I was just going to be obese the rest of my life. But, when I saw my children gaining weight, that was a wake up call. They deserved a better mom and a better example. The 21 day fix meal plan and portion-control containers literally saved my life by taking the guesswork out of how much and what to eat. Shakeology also played a huge roll in my success. It fueled my body with solid nutrition each day. And, the 30-minute workouts showed me I didn’t need to put in hours at the gym; I could get amazing results at home… With Beachbody On Demand I can take my workouts anywhere. I also love the variety of the workouts. Beachbody On Demand grows with you. As my fitness improved, I found new programs to challenge me. After 21 Day Fix, I progressed to 21 Day Fix EXTREME, 22 Minute Hard Corps, CORE DE FORCE, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and now I am doing SHAUN WEEK. I am very proud of the fact that I’ve lost over 110 pounds since March of 2016! I am the best version of me yet! The discipline and confidence I have gained is amazing. I have gained so much muscle, and I feel so strong! Plus, the changes I have made have helped my children and husband get healthier too. Every day, I get up, press play, eat healthy, and drink my Shakeology, and I have stuck to this for over a year now. I love how Beachbody has completely changed my life. These programs work, and I am proof. I will never go back to where I was.”

Anna Sell, from Oakes, ND, achieved bikini body status at 48. She lost 38.8 pounds with 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, Hammer and Chisel, and PiYo, and since starting with Beachbody in March 2016 she has only missed four workouts!

Achievement Unlocked: Bikini Body at age 48!

She says: “I am a principal at an elementary school, and about a year ago, several of my teachers were joining together, drinking Shakeology, and losing weight. I honestly thought ‘I will never do something so silly…’ but I kept watching those teachers pulling together, cheering each other on, and I was noticing a difference in all of them. Being utterly sick of myself and being faced with the fact that nothing fit in my closet, I decided to talk to my Coach. Thank goodness I did, because the day I spoke to her changed my life… My first goal was to lose 10 pounds…then 20… then 30… and I never thought 40 was possible, but I did it, and I know I can maintain it! I am so proud of how toned my body has become. When I look at my shoulders, arms, and back, I just can’t help but smile! This fall, I had to buy all new pants and suits in a smaller size… smaller than I’ve ever worn as an adult! Now, I’m in shape, healthy, happy, and ready to wear a bikini!”

Sherry Genereaux, from Wymark, SK, lost 107 pounds at age 50, and she wants to shout it from the top of a mountain!

Sherry lost 107 pounds at age 50!

She says: “I met a Beachbody Coach through my cousin, and I saw how happy she was and how much she loved her life. I wanted that too. So I contacted her and asked her how she got so happy. She got me set up with 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. I fell in love with the exercises and the shakes, and I have not missed a day since. I think the greatest challenge for me was cutting out the junk food and sugary stuff. I would eat a big bag of chips and drink 5 cans of diet pepsi each day. But, the 21 Day Fix program helped me so much; it taught me how to portion control my food, and I quit drinking pop all together; I don’t even want any! I advanced to 21 Day Fix EXTREME, then 22 Minute Hard Corps, CORE DE FORCE, and now The Master’s Hammer and ChiselOMG I can’t even begin to explain how my life has changed. I am in love with my body. I have always been so ashamed of my weight and how I looked, but now I am so proud of myself. I am truly happy, I feel amazing, and I can’t wait to see what my next chapter will be. One thing for sure is that Beachbody will always be a part of it.”