Katie Lost 115 Pounds in 10 Months!

Katie Lost 115 Pounds in 10 Months!

Katie was fed up with feeling tired all the time and fed up with what she saw in the mirror.

But instead of continuing down the path she was on, Katie decided to take control of her life and start a new, different path toward good health and fitness.

After 10 months of 21 Day Fix, INSANITY MAX:30, FOCUS T25, Country Heat, CORE DE FORCE, and SHIFT SHOP on Beachbody On Demand, Katie’s quality of life blossomed and she had energy — and she lost 115 POUNDS and 8 dress sizes!

Here is Katie’s story:

Katie’s Life, Before

My life before was filled with multiple fast food meals per day and sugary, unhealthy snacks.

I was disgusted when I looked at myself in the mirror and hated shopping for clothes.

It wasn’t until around July 2016 that I began to notice how overweight I had become by looking at photos of myself from our family vacation.

I knew I was obese and extremely tired all the time. After mustering up enough confidence to go get a physical examination, I weighed in at a whopping 276 pounds. Blood work revealed that I was pre-diabetic.

My husband and I have been married for two years now and we’re ready to start a family. I knew that being extremely overweight would put me at high risk for many complications during pregnancy.

Although I had let myself become so unhealthy, I could not imagine putting our innocent child at risk for complications due to my unhealthy choices.

Katie’s Transformation

My greatest challenge was lack of motivation and giving in to temptation.

All my life I have been a yo-yo dieter. Every Monday, I would start my diet, and prior to Monday, I would eat anything and everything.

Once I slipped up it was all over and I just slipped back into a never-ending cycle, until I found myself at 276 pounds and fed up. The accountability of my BODgroup really helped me overcome these obstacles.

My Coach and fellow challengers helped by motivating me and cheering me on throughout the entire length of the challenge.

They taught me that it was OK to have a slip-up, but instead of allowing it to snowball, I had to pick up and keep moving on and not allow it to defeat me. Having to track my shakes and workouts really helped hold me accountable.

Katie’s Life, After

I now have a body that I am proud of and I feel so much better. I am no longer tired all the time and do not get winded while walking up a few steps.

I can tell a significant change in my body’s endurance and strength. I first started with 21 Day Fix and was having to modify every move.

Today, I no longer have to modify many of those moves, and I am now able to endure harder workouts like those of INSANITY MAX:30.

I love what I see when I look in the mirror and no longer hate shopping for clothes! I actually love it now that I can fit into the cute clothes in boutiques instead of being limited to the plus-size section in department stores and plus-size clothing stores.

I am so proud to say that I am no longer at risk for diabetes and my blood pressure has significantly decreased. My doctor states that I am overall very healthy and am cleared to begin trying to conceive a child, which was my original motivating factor.

I am excited to continue this lifestyle that I have created for myself and maintain it through pregnancy and beyond. It is a lifestyle that I would like to continue to be a healthy role model for my children so that they do not have to face the same struggles that I did.

See Katie’s amazing weight-loss journey and try Beachbody On Demand today!