Transformation Tuesday: Natanya Lost 5 Pounds With 3-Day Refresh!

Transformation Tuesday: Natanya Lost 5 Pounds With 3-Day Refresh!

Natanya found herself with low energy and some serious bloating. She had trouble keeping up with her children, and she knew her diet needed improvement. She was looking for a detox for her body, so she decided to try 3-Day Refresh. She lost 5 pounds and 4.5 inches!

“I am a wife and stay at home mom of two little ones. I made sure my family’s needs were met first, which often resulted in poor food choices for me. Being busy was my excuse for quick meals and not-so-healthy food choices. Whatever was fast and easy seemed to take control over what my body really needed nutrition-wise. I was feeling bloated, I had no energy, and my diet wasn’t the best. I was snacking a lot. I saw that my hair, skin, and nails were taking a hit, and it was a major sign for me that I should do something to change.

I was in need of a detox to refresh not only my nutrition but also my health. I thought 3-Day Refresh was the perfect program to jumpstart my wellness. At first, I was nervous about sticking to it for the full 3 days and not caving in to my cravings! I did all my meal prep according to the 3-Day Refresh nutrition guide, so I was prepared and stuck to the schedule with no excuses! The guide was great! It’s really foolproof. Yes, I did have the nasty junk food cravings, but being prepared for my next meal or snack was key to success!

After the third day of the program, my cravings no longer appealed to me! I had so much more energy, my bloat was gone, and I felt cleansed, recharged, and revitalized. I loved everything about it.

After completing 3-Day Refresh, I’ve learned that nutrition and hydration are key. I still make all of the suggested meals from the program. They are forever in my rotation in the kitchen, and I have also cut way back on my dairy intake. I plan on doing the 3-Day Refresh every few months. I think of it as an incredible program that’s a healthy and safe way to detox. It’s like an internal deep cleaning. This program is a must for anyone. I feel healthy and strong again.”