Transformation Tuesday: Ismael Lost 102 Pounds with Beachbody!

Transformation Tuesday: Ismael Lost 102 Pounds with Beachbody!

Ismael was once very active, but as the years went by he started to neglect his health and nutrition. He realized that he wanted to be the healthiest he could be for his family, so he committed to Beachbody programs. He completed INSANITYINSANITY MAX:30FOCUS T2521 Day Fix21 Day Fix EXTREMEPiYoBody Beast, and P90X. In a short year and 5 months, he lost 102 pounds and 52.25 inches! Read about his amazing dedication in his own words below:

After being very health conscious in my early 20’s, I just lost interest in it at some point. Over time, I started gaining until one day I was just extremely overweight. After a visit to the doctor, she urged me, as usual, to do something to lose weight. She told me I should do so because I was still a young man with a very young daughter. She asked me, “Don’t you want to see her grow up?  If you don’t lose weight you may not have that option.” Her words made a great impact. 

That day, I went home and told my wife that I wanted to do something to lose weight.  To my relief she felt the same way, and she started researching workout programs. Having seen infomercials and knowing a friend that used Beachbody products, we decided to order a program. A big reason for me not working out previously was because I’d go to the gym and be embarrassed trying to do some of the exercises or using the machines and equipment. She and I began working out in our home on January 27, 2014 and have been each other’s workout partner, motivation, and biggest supporters since.

Before Beachbody programs, I felt ashamed. I couldn’t look in a full body mirror. The greatest challenge was being able to do the workouts and finding the time to actually workout. The Beachbody programs I completed offered a modifier for most of the exercises. I really loved the fact that I was able to get an incredibly intense and tough work out in such a short amount of time. In my younger days, I absolutely loved running. Now I am running again, and I plan on completing the first of many obstacle races.

We have, since a few months ago, gotten our daughter to start working out with us. Getting healthy is now a family affair for us. Since we started, I’ve lost 102 pounds! I feel much better. I don’t mind looking in the mirror, and I even like shopping for clothes.