Transformation Tuesday: Check Out These Hip Hop Abs!

Transformation Tuesday: Check Out These Hip Hop Abs!

Michael G. knew it was time to get fit, and decided to focus on his abs. After completing FOCUS T25, he decided to give Hip Hop Abs a spin! He lost 20.8 pounds and 3.5 inches in two months! Here’s his story in his own words:

I was noticing I was getting bigger. I was wearing bigger work clothes and something needed to change. I was shocked that I was overweight. I heard about Hip Hop Abs from an infomercial, and I wanted to try something that focused on my abs. I decided to go full force and get Hip Hop Abs, Shakeology and Activit

I like the beats and the focus on the core. My favorite workout is Total Body Workout 2 because of the moves and the music! After completing Hip Hop Abs, I can run more. I feel real good about myself now. A lot of people have commented on my weight loss. Everyone is asking how I lost my weight. Hip Hop Abs, Shakeology and Activit together have worked for me tremendously! I love Beachbody!

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