#Sweatisfaction Giveaway – Share Your Sweaty Selfies for a Chance to Win!

There’s nothing quite like the sweet, sweat-soaked sense of satisfaction after a good workout. You’re drenched from head to toe, out of breath, and utterly exhausted. You may look like a hot mess, and you may or may not be laying face-down in a puddle of your own sweat for the next 5 minutes, but you don’t feel bad about any of that. No. Instead, you’re overcome with a powerful sense of self-esteem and pride, because you just did that. You put in the hard work to improve yourself. You challenged your limits. You did your best and forgot the rest, and the endorphins now coursing through every blood vessel in your body are whisking you away to your happy place for the rest of the day. It’s such a uniquely sweaty and satisfying experience, it really deserves its own term—SWEATISFACTION.
Time to hit the showers, kiddo. But first—obviously—you have to take a sweaty selfie to document this moment for posterity and to show the world (or maybe just your Challenge Group) the hot mess that you’ve just created. JK—it’s to show them that you did something healthy today. It’s like saying “Hey! I’m getting healthy, and I feel good about it! Also, I keep it real.”
We love everything about that…the sweatisfaction, the sharing, the realness, and just the overall healthiness of it all. So, we’re inviting you to share your sweaty selfies on Instagram and enter our #SWEATISFACTION Giveaway for a chance to win the “Perspiration Purse” featured above, which includes 3 sweat-inspired gifts to satisfy (some of) your post-workout needs.
1. FOLLOW @BeachbodyChallenge on Instagram.
2. SHARE your sweaty selfies on Instagram, and tag them with #SWEATISFACTION and the name of the workout that just sweatisfied you.
The entry period ends on Friday 3/13/2015 at midnight pacific. One winner will be randomly selected and announced on Monday 3/16. No purchase necessary. Must be 18 or older and a resident of the USA, UK, or Canada (excluding Quebec).
Congratulations to our winner, @getfitwithcheryl79!