“My Stomach Flattened Without Doing a Billion Crunches”

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Julie is an independent Beachbody Coach.
Meet Julie W.! She participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for December 21st!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I was a stay-at-home mom who just had two babies back to back. I gained 50 lbs with each pregnancy, and I was completely out of shape. Working out/exercising seemed impossible because I was ALWAYS tired. I was a happy mother of two beautiful baby girls and thought life was perfect except my body paid the price. It was of course very worth it, but I felt terrible about myself. Being way heavier than I wanted to be, I had low energy and was miserable. As a busy mom, I thought all hope was lost for getting my pre-baby body back. I didn’t have the time and was too tired after a long day taking care of my kids. I swore the only way I was going to get my pre-baby body back was surgery. I didn’t want to go that route, but I had a terrible post-baby tummy. Nothing was working and I was honestly too tired to try anything else. I felt hopeless.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
Honestly, I saw the infomercial for Focus T-25 and thought even I could do 25 minutes a day. I didn’t have an hour to spend at the gym every day and am not comfortable putting my kids in childcare. My kids are always with me, but maybe they’d be ok playing for 25 minutes? I know getting in shape and losing weight takes time and commitment. It’s not easy, and there are no short-cuts. I had no me time, no free time, and was always tired. Doing T-25 at night after the kids went to bed was going to be my answer. I was taking care of me and seeing results in just 25 minutes a day. My results inspired me. Then I started having more energy during the day and sleeping better at night. This was good for me. I was skeptical of the amazing results seen on tv, but at this point, I had nothing to lose and I am SO glad I ordered this program. Maybe I could do this! Maybe I could look like an “after” picture! So I ordered it and began. It was HARD, but I loved it!
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
I had two very legitimate excuses: my 1-year-old and my two-year-old. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me but are exhausting. I was always SO TIRED and had NO time for me. I was lucky some days if I got a shower. When was I supposed to fit in time to work out? When could I ever go to the gym? Never. They would never let mommy do an hour workout during the day. 25 minutes? Now that’s doable late at night and even during the day if all goes well. 25 minutes I can do. Without T25, I wouldn’t have had the amazing success I did. It changed my life, seriously. When I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to work out I think “I’m tired, but it’s 8:30pm, and I can be done by 9pm.” That’s quick and easy to wrap my head around. Instead of feeling like it’s impossible to fit exercise and fitness into my busy lifestyle, I feel like T25 has made it possible. It has given me health and fitness and made me strong and happy all in 25 minutes a day. Pretty amazing.
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
My results from T-25 were amazing. I lost over 12 pounds and almost 8 inches!! I swore the only way I was going to get my pre-baby body back was surgery. I didn’t want to go that route, but I had a terrible post-baby tummy. Nothing was working, and I was honestly too tired to try anything else. My diet was on track but Shakeology helped push me over the edge and boost my energy. T-25 gave me confidence and REALLY made a huge difference in my post-baby body. I still can’t believe how my stomach flattened without doing a billion boring crunches. These workouts give me energy, and I am so much more toned. I can actually see muscle. I look fit and athletic not tired, overweight, and warn out. Whoop whoop!! I had no idea T25 would have such a positive impact on my life changing so much more than my body. Now I feel good, happy, proud of myself. It’s pretty amazing. Everywhere I go, people comment and want to know my secret. I say no secret. It’s T25 and you should do it too!! T-25 rocks.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
Since completing T-25 I have much better self-confidence. I can wear clothes I thought I’d never be able to wear again. I can go swimming with my kids and not be ashamed and covered with a towel rushing to get into the water hoping no one sees me. More importantly, I feel good. I took some much needed me time and whipped myself into shape. I needed this so badly. It’s weird because I am working out and pushing myself harder than ever and I have more energy. I am less tired. I’m running around with my two little girls, and they get tired before I do most of the time! One other great thing about T25 is that it brought me and my husband together. Pre T25, we were both busy all the time. I was home all day with our girls taking care of them, the house, groceries, chores, cooking, cleaning, etc and I was so tired every night. He worked all day then went to the gym. Then we started T25 and did it together every day. We supported each other, spent more time together and it was great for us!
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.