“P90X was Exactly what I Needed”

Meet Vincent, age 51, from Hamburg, NJ. He entered The Beachbody ChallengeThe Beachbody Challenge in March 2015 and won $1,000!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I turned 50 last year which was a milestone that I wasn’t looking forward to. A few months before, I suffered a nagging back injury that gave me an excuse to be lazy. Around that time I developed ulcers and was taking medication daily to ward off the constant acid reflux. My lack of exercise combined with eating habits that were getting worse by the day often made me feel sick and tired. I looked in the mirror and saw my stomach expanding as my weight was creeping up. I knew in my mind I had to make drastic changes but just didn’t have the motivation to do what had to be done. They say it’s all downhill after 40. I think I convinced myself that the hill was WAY steeper after 50. I was definitely on my way down the hill…physically and psychologically.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
One night at work, I was talking to a friend and we got on the subject of working out. The conversation turned to different workout programs and my friend mentioned that he had half-heartedly tried P90X in the past and was hoping to give it another shot. I told him that I also tried P90X many years ago and never made it through the entire program. The next morning I went home and rummaged through the bedroom closet and found the original set of P90X DVD’s. That morning, I decided enough was enough. It was time. I sent my 16 yr old son a text while he was at school and told him that I was going to do P90X and challenged him to step away from the video games and do it with me. I promised him that we would get in the best shape of our lives. He loves his video games so I had to sweeten the pot a little…but he agreed. Knowing I desperately needed to get into shape motivated me. But the idea of doing it with my son next to me every step of the way sealed the deal for me. No quitting.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
I think like alot of people I had to overcome the self doubt and lack of motivation in order to finally start. Those are things that you have to overcome and change within yourself. With the resources available from Beachbody, you can see other peoples stories and learn how they overcame their obstacles and succeeded. With P90X and the other Beachbody programs, the learning curve is taken out of the equation. All you have to do is follow along. If you bring the motivation and desire, Beachbody has the resources you need to reach your goals. In my case, P90X was EXACTLY what I needed. In my opinion it strikes a perfect balance between resistance and cardio training.
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
P90X is a great program. I found it to be extremely challenging. Tony has everything covered. Resistance…cardio…flexibiltiy. There are modifications so that you can still follow the program if it’s early on and your not in the best condition or if you just can’t do certain moves. The modifications help you stay with the program and still progress. I can’t imagine there’s a more well rounded fitness program out there.
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
In one round of P90X, I lost 21 pounds, several inches off my waist, I’m physically stronger, more flexible and have more energy than I’ve had in years. The eating plan taught me the importance of eating clean for overall health. Since changing my eating habits, I am off medication and don’t suffer from the gastrointestinal issues I had dealt with for years. I feel great about the results I achieved in only 90 days but more than anything I’m proud of my son for sticking with the program and getting great results himself. He was the main reason I was able to complete the program. He was a great inspiration and I’m glad that his hard work paid off. I couldn’t have asked for a better workout partner
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
Like I mentioned, I’m extremely happy with my 90 day results. It’s motivated me to start another program (Body Beast) and to continue with the healthy eating habits that I learned. I feel better physically than I have in years.
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.