Beachbody Results: Jordan Lost 49 Pounds with P90X and Body Beast

Beachbody Results: Jordan Lost 49 Pounds with P90X and Body Beast

Jordan Recksiek, age 32, lost 49 lbs. with P90X and Body Beast. He entered his results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won $1,500!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I have been wanting and trying to lose weight for years! I’ve always wanted to be in good shape, but every time I started a program or started going to a gym I would do really well for about a month before I would lose momentum, lose focus, and then just accept the idea that my weight “yo-yo’s” up and down all year between times that I’m “being good” and times that I stop pushing myself. And everyday I would look in the mirror and not like what I saw. I’ve always had this idea of what I want my body to look like (fit and healthy, with nice visible abs), but I was getting further and further away from that goal as the weeks, months, and years passed. I drive around town all day for work, and so I got into a habit of eating whatever was convenient. I ate so much fast food, and sometimes not even because I was hungry, just because I had a few bucks or because I saw a new burger special being advertised. And the amount of soda I would drink each day was unbelievable!

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I realized one night when we went to a pizza and pasta buffet on a family vacation that I had just eaten more pizza, pasta, and dessert than any 3 other adults combined. I realized that I had a habit of eating as much food as I possibly could, just because it tastes good, or just because it was available. And then the jokes would start about “how much food Jordan can put away”, which I have to admit, I would laugh at, but I also knew that my obsession with eating had to stop. When I got home from that vacation I stepped on the scale and I was horrified to see that I weighed 240 pounds. Something had to change! I decided that wasn’t going to be that guy anymore that ate obscene amounts of junk food. I wasn’t going to be that guy who’s wife and kids pick up his 6 cans of soda around the house every morning after he goes to work. That’s not life. That’s not how I want to be remembered!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
After years and years of eating chips and cookies and ordering pizza as part of my regular routine, it was tough to go cold turkey! But that’s what I decided to do. The trainers on the DVDs always made sure to mention how you need to eat right or the program won’t work. Hearing that every morning helped me keep my mind right. I looked for advice and motivation from Beachbody coaches on YouTube who had done what I was setting out to do myself. I took tips from them on diet and supplements. I found Shakeology and discovered how amazing it made me feel.

Beachbody Results: Jordan Lost 49 Pounds with P90X and Body Beast

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
P90X has an awesome mix of everything I love. It has weights and cardio mixed together to make you sweat and feel like you just did something hard, something awesome, and when you’re done you feel so good about what you were just able to do. It got me excited to keep going, and keep pushing play. And Then I started Body Beast. I knew from the first day that I would love this program! The encouragement from Sagi to lift heavy and do “whatever it takes” lit a fire in me, and just made me want to push harder everyday. I loved the structure of both programs. I like having the calendar. I like that it takes the guesswork out of training. I just look at what day I’m on and put the disc in, press play, and push myself as hard as I can.

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
Losing that much weight shocked me! It shocked my family and friends too. And for the first time in my life I can see my abs. I’m finally (in my 30’s) getting in the kind of shape I always wished I could be in. I’m wearing a size 32 pants, which I haven’t worn in over 10 years. I don’t fold my arms over my stomach when I sit down to hide my bulging belly anymore. I’m not embarrassed to go swimming anymore, which is actually a much bigger deal than it sounds like when you realize that I have refused to go swimming for years, even with my wife and kids, because I was too embarrassed about how I looked with my shirt off.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say that life is totally different now. My eating habits have completely changed. I don’t feel a need for pizza or fast food. I have several healthy recipes that I enjoy making that are just delicious. At family get togethers, the joke has changed from “how much food Jordan can put away” to “We need to make sure we have enough meat, because Jordan loves his protein.” I had several friends ask me how I got the results I did, which lead me to the decision to become a Beachbody Coach. I’m running Challenge Groups now and helping other people with their goals while continuing to make and work on my own. Life is better! I have more energy. I’m happier. My wife and kids have noticed the change in me and they like it. A few time a week we do a Beachbody workout all together, and have so much fun working out and planning other workouts and healthy meals.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes. What program are you committing to next?

Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.