A Message from Beachbody on Human Rights Day

Today, on Human Rights Day, let’s take a time-out from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and party planning to turn our focus to those who lack the simple freedoms we take for granted. It’s unimaginable to even think of, but there are 29 million slaves held captive around the world, and an estimated 26% of forced-labor slaves are children.
Beachbody is committed to improving people’s lives through health and fitness, and it’s become a mission of our CEO, Carl Daikeler, to help put an end to slavery. “It’s an imperative,” he said, “we must not act like its OK to pretend this issue can coexist with the idea of progress.” In June, he led a fundraising campaign for International Justice Mission’s Bridge to Freedom project, which rescues children from slavery and sex trafficking and brings survivors past the point of survival and into a place where they can thrive. But our work is not done.
We hope that this holiday season you’ll consider giving the most valuable gift of all, the gift of freedom. Click here to donate and then tell your friends. Post it on Facebook, Tweet about it, talk to your workout buddies and your families about it. Every donation counts, whether it’s $1 or $10,000. And, it’s all tax deductible. Whatever you can do, we appreciate it, but not as much as the people who get the taste of freedom—some for the first time.