Marisa Lost 19.8 Pounds With Beachbody Programs and the 3-Day Refresh

Marisa Lost 19.8 Pounds With Beachbody Programs and the 3-Day Refresh

Check out Marisa’s amazing transformation! In just over a year, she’s completed TurboFire, Insanity, P90X3, two rounds of 21 Day Fix, one round of PiYo and the 3-Day Refresh. She’s lost 19.8 pounds and gotten seriously awesome muscle tone!

“For as long as I can remember I was always overweight. I never ate healthy , just had whatever I wanted when I wanted. In college I was fairly active, worked out about 4-5 times a week, and worked at a gym where I also worked one on one with a personal trainer. I never gained the “freshman fifteen” but I still was considered overweight for my age and height. When I graduated college and moved, I gained a lot of weight. I was a lot less active, spending most of my days at home on the couch until I found a job. After living on my own for about 6 months, I started noticing clothes that I had for years weren’t fitting. I was depressed about it, and signed up for a gym membership. I was going 5-6 days a week, but I wasn’t losing any weight. I was simply maintaining my weight between 130 and 135. It was frustrating because I felt like I was working so hard, but nothing was changing and I was paying for a membership that wasn’t getting me any results. Since I’d worked with a trainer in college I figured I knew what I was doing and couldn’t figure out why I was seeing no results. After few months of no progress at the gym, my boyfriend at the time was in the Marine Corps and deployed for 7 months. I decided that at that point that I needed to try something else because I wanted to look good when he came back home.

I had been talking to my Coach at a party one day and she mentioned that she previously had the same issue, going to the gym and not seeing results. I asked her what she did to change (because she looked awesome!) and she told me about TurboFire. She told me how fun it was and how well it worked for her and invited me over to try it with her. I did exactly that and I absolutely fell in love with Chalene and the program in just one workout. I figured it couldn’t do any damage because I wasn’t getting results at the gym anyway so I went home and ordered it that day. After receiving the program and losing 3 pounds in the first 30 days I canceled my gym membership and never looked back.

I figured TurboFire would work for me because it was so fun! I always thought of working out as well, work. But Chalene made it enjoyable and something I looked forward to doing every day rather than looking at it as something I “had to do.” After 30 days of Turbo I took a progress photo and comparing it to my before photo made my draw drop. I was already beginning to see where my abs could be with a little more work! The results I was seeing paired with the “high” I was getting from working out kept me going. I wasn’t even finished with the TurboFire program before I was thinking, “What can I do next?” I asked some friends who had done other Beachbody programs what they thought, and I committed to purchasing Insanity. As the results continued to show, my addiction for fitness and Beachbody programs grew.

The ability to workout at home is a gift. Not only does it save time which is one of the things I value the most, but it saved me money I was wasting on a gym membership that was doing nothing for me. I’m the kind of person who cannot stand to be interrupted during a workout. There were so many distractions and interruptions at the gym, people asking if I was done with equipment I was clearly still using, people sitting on machines I wanted to use texting as if no one else wants to actually get their workout in and go home, and even people trying to flirt with me! (Really??) Working out at home allows me to get my workout in without any disruptions and then get on with the rest of my busy day. It’s also great because I can work out any time that my schedule allows and I don’t have to worry about the gym being open or too busy. I teach Special Ed. preschool so I often do not have the energy to work out after a day of working with my kiddos. I typically wake up at 4 AM to get my workout in very first thing and many gyms in my area are not open until 5am or later.

I realized shortly into my journey that the numbers on the scale don’t really mean much. It’s not always about pounds lost, but rather inches lost, flexibility gained, muscle gained, and the ability to master new moves and increase intensity through a workout. All of these things have happened on my journey. I did not do anything specific to celebrate hitting my goal but I did do a happy dance in the bathroom after I stepped off the scale and treated myself to some fries that weekend.

Now I feel like a whole new person. I have more self-confidence than ever because I have never been this fit or strong in my life. I can’t remember the last time I saw my weight in the under 120 range. I love shopping now, and need to because none of my old clothes fit (in a good way!).

From the very start of my journey, my friends and family have been commenting on my weight loss and progress. Having the ability to post progress photos on social media has been a great way for others to see my progress and has really helped keep me motivated through the whole process. Receiving “likes” and “comments” on my photos helps me on the hardest days when I don’t feel like pushing play. It’s also amazing how many people have reached out to me to say how I’ve inspired them to make a difference in their lifestyle.

I’ve come so far in transforming my body, changing my eating habits, and my overall lifestyle. I honestly feel like a whole new, and much better, person. I look forward to my daily workouts, drinking Shakeology, and even meal prep! What? Now I’m ready to start working toward my next goal of gaining some muscle. I love accomplishing my goals, and always look forward to setting new ones.”