“I Gained Freedom”

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Kevin is an independent Beachbody Coach.
Meet Kevin C. He participated in The Beachbody Challenge® and won the $500 Daily Prize for January 12th!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Two years ago, I was scared, shy, depressed, and suicidal. I was suppressed on medicine for ADD, ADHD, sleep apnea, allergies, and asthma from the time I was in third grade. I was taking eight different medications every morning, and it started to get old fast. I never really knew who Kevin was because I felt so suppressed and wrapped in chains that I could never express myself. I was the nerd in high school that got picked on. I was the kid who sat by himself at lunch and didn’t have many friends. I was told constantly that I was weak and I could never do anything right. I knew I wanted to be more, have more, and do more with my life, but it felt out of my reach, and I had no hope or support that I could really change. I was struggling in school, I was sickly all the time, and I had horrible relationships with the few that I had. I was doing anything for acceptance, and I was wasting my life away.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
My best friend joined the wrestling team and started to gain size and strength. When we would get together, he would wrestle with me and pin me down every time. I couldn’t fight back to save my life! Now, not only was I feeling weak as a person from being suppressed from all of the medicine, but now I realized just how physically weak I was, too. After some time of this continuing to happen, I felt lonely and that there was no way out. I had no hope. It got to the point where I would cry myself to sleep at night and one night I remember saying to myself, “Who are you going to be five years down the road if you keep doing what you are doing right now?” I thought about what that person would look like, how they would act, and how they would feel, and it scared the hell out of me. I knew I desperately needed a change, and it needed to happen fast. I had to conquer my shyness and gain confidence in myself. I started to believe that I was on this earth for more that to take up space.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
I needed knowledge, guidance, and support. I had figured out why I needed to change, and I wanted it badly, but I didn’t know where to start. I didn’t want to join a gym and toss around weights not knowing what I was doing because I wanted to see results fast. I didn’t want to pay for a personal trainer because it was expensive and I was still super shy. I wanted something proven that would inform me on exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Beachbody gave me the tools I needed to be successful. They laid it all out there for me. There was the game plan: follow the programs, follow the nutrition guides, plug in to a challenge group, and it will happen! The programs, nutrition guides, and supplements are put together by the very best experts and they have been proven to work. The program and nutrition guides answered all my questions and gave me the knowledge I needed to see results! That’s exactly the guidance and knowledge that I was looking for!
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I have gained so much through Beachbody. Not only did I get huge with Body Beast, but I gained confidence and I found out who I really am. Yes I gained 45 lbs. of muscle with Beachbody programs over 4 years (20 of which was with Body Beast), and it was nice! The looks are good, but I really gained freedom. Freedom from my medicine since I haven’t taken a pill for anything in almost 4 years. My energy is through the roof, I have confidence in myself, and I am no longer scared. I found freedom from the crippling shyness that I used to be consumed by. I not only changed my body, but I changed my mindset, and I have achieved things in my life I never thought possible. Now, I’m a group fitness instructor for P90X and INSANITY, and you can’t be shy to do that! I’ve found my passion and purpose in life with health and fitness and paying it forward.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
Before plugging into Beachbody I was depressed, scared, shy, and weak. I was wasting my life away and I was not happy with my life. I was fearful for my future and I didn’t really know what to do. I was so shy I was scared to look people in the eye most of the time. I was fearful of starting anything because I was repeatedly told that I couldn’t do anything right and I began to internalize it and believe it. I was skinny and sickly all the time suppressed on medication that I did not want to take and kept me from expressing myself and being me. I just did what I needed to do to survive. Since plugging into Beachbody, I have passion and drive! I’m no longer that shy person, and I’m friends with everyone! I am confident and know that I am a strong person. I have a new outlook on life and hope for a better future because I now know what I am capable of. I also encourage and motivate others (something I thought I could NEVER do) because if I can get over my obstacles, anyone can!
You can change your life too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed. Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free shirt and a chance to win cash & prizes.