Fitspiration Friday: “I Just Focused On Losing One Pound 250 Times.”

Fitspiration Friday: “I Just Focused On Losing One Pound 250 Times.”

Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Brian is an independent Beachbody Coach.

If you’ve tried a Beachbody program, you’ve probably had a goal in mind that you wanted to achieve. Maybe you wanted to lose weight. Maybe you wanted to get stronger. Maybe you wanted to improve your health. Maybe it was a mix of all three, or something else entirely. But, along the way, no matter what your goal, everyone needs a little inspiration. Every other Friday, the Beachbody Success Stories team will be sharing inspirational fitness stories from some of the folks who have done Beachbody programs. Maybe one will inspire you!

This week, we want to introduce you to Brian B. He wanted to lose 250 pounds and found simple, visually effective way to keep track of the weight he’s lost as well as how much he has left to lose until he meets his goal: marbles! We’ll let him explain.

“I’ve battled being overweight most of my life. But until August 2014, I’d managed to continue to be active. One day that month I was at work and struggling to do my job. My knees hurt so badly I didn’t know how I would finish the day. I thought, ‘If I don’t get this under control, I won’t be able to work. Then what would happen to my family?’

My original goal was to get to a healthy weight so I could enjoy life with my family, including my four grandchildren. I set my goal weight at 200 pounds because I felt healthy when I was at that weight in high school. That meant I had to lose 250 pounds. It felt like a mountain too tall to climb. But I just focused on losing 1 pound 250 times.

I thought marbles would be a good visual reminder that would give me the incentive to keep plugging away at my weight loss. My wife is crafty so I asked her if she would make me something to track my progress. She did. I weigh myself every Monday and move the marbles that day – each equals one pound — and I find looking at them and moving the marbles helps me keep going. I have been at a plateau for a while now, and it’s easy to get discouraged. I also don’t always see the changes to my body. For a long time when I looked in the mirror, I still saw the 450-pound guy. But the marble jars remind me how far I’ve come. They’re prominently displayed on the entertainment center in our living room. I see them every time I work out and they spark interest from anyone who visits.

When I first began in August, I was very overwhelmed. This was not my first attempt to lose a large amount of weight and keep it off. I wasn’t sure it could be done. The Beachbody community has made all the difference for me. Having a community of people cheering me on and helping me when I was overwhelmed made all the difference. I have never experienced anything like their support.

So far, I have lost 209 pounds and would like to lose another 41. I have done a hybrid of Beachbody programs, like P90 and P90X3 in their entirety, and am currently participating in a Challenge Group hybrid program with Beachbody On Demand.

My knees no longer hurt. I am off all my blood pressure medication.1 I am able to keep up with my grandkids. This has become a lifestyle for me. I’m already able to do so many things I wasn’t able to do before. My wife and I went kayaking this summer for the first time in years. I am able to sit comfortably in a theater and at restaurants. I plan to just keep at it. I would like to train for a triathlon once I’m at my goal weight, but most important is living an unrestricted life. My weight no longer plays a part in my decision-making process.”

1Always consult your physician before altering or stopping any prescribed medication.