Fitspiration Friday: I Achieved My New Year’s Resolution!

Fitspiration Friday: I Achieved My New Year’s Resolution!

If you’ve tried a Beachbody program, you’ve probably had a goal in mind that you wanted to achieve. Maybe you wanted to lose weight. Maybe you wanted to get stronger. Maybe you wanted to improve your health. Maybe it was a mix of all three, or something else entirely. But, along the way, no matter what your goal, everyone needs a little inspiration. Every other Friday, the Beachbody Success Stories team will share inspirational fitness stories from some of the folks who have done Beachbody programs. Maybe one will inspire you!

Desiree, like many of us, made a resolution to get fit in the New Year. Better yet, she did it! Here’s how she met her goals: 

“Before beginning with Beachbody, I worked out three to five days a week. I ate whatever I wanted and had a major sweet tooth. I thought I was working pretty hard, but I never saw results. At the beginning of the year, I saw an ad for PiYo and thought it looked fun. It was time to try something different. I had been using the same trainer for five years and hadn’t been getting results. I hadn’t gained strength or made any progress. I didn’t like the way my belly fat looked, so I took the leap to try something new. I was ready for a change.

When I received PiYo, I went through all the materials, set my calories, and started to follow the program. It was hard, but fun at the same time. Within two months I had lost all the weight I thought I had to lose. As it turns out, I had a few more pounds to go! I found a Coach I clicked with and started setting goals. It became important to me to build strength, lose body fat, and increase endurance.

Before beginning PiYo, I could only do three push-ups. Now I can do 20-25 per set! To keep up my momentum, I did ChaLEAN Extreme and several other programs. Exercise and eating healthy quickly became a lifestyle for me. Enjoying my workout and knowing how to enjoy my food while eating healthy is such a great blessing! I decided I wanted to share my love for the products and help other people as well. I became a Coach myself in May, and hope to be as wonderful and helpful to others as my Coach has been to me.

Now that I am more strong and fit I have better endurance for things I love like hiking and biking. I am thrilled with my body and what I have accomplished! I like seeing the muscles getting defined and the fat melting away. Knowing that I have worked hard and done my best to achieve it is incredibly satisfying.

I started using Beachbody in January and since, have done PiYo, ChaLEAN Extreme, Body Beast, and 21 Day Fix. My major goal was to get down to 18% body fat. I was at 27%, and am currently 18.8%! But, that’s just one goal. I have reached many more. I’ve also lost 16 pounds and greatly increased my strength and muscle tone, and I have gone from a size 9 pant to a size 3! I celebrated by setting new goals. I know my team TD Nation and Team Beachbody will continue to encourage me and help me to stay on track as I reach my new goals!”