The Ultimate Comeback Story: Sober, Strong, and Swaggerlicious!

The Ultimate Comeback Story: Sober, Strong, and Swaggerlicious!

Greg Cordosi, age 54, lost 53 lbs with Body Beast and P90X3. He entered his results into The Beachbody Challenge, and won $1,500!
Greg is an Independent Beachbody Coach.

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?

This is my second session with Beachbody. I did the Body Beast workout from February 2, 2015 until the middle of July (I was a daily Prize winner of $500!), then started the P90X3 program and became a Coach! I had almost the same experience all over again it was amazing. My body continues to change in ways I would never have thought possible. I wanted Tony Horton to tone me up and lean me out and that’s exactly what he did. I’m still shocked when I see myself in the mirror. Everywhere I go people comment on how amazing I look. I maxed out at 275 and now I weigh just 178, and I am hard! I know it sounds self aggrandizing but I have never met anyone who has done what I did. Honestly I can’t think of anyone who even got close without some surgery or fad diet. I did it the right way with a nice healthy diet, Shakeology, protein powder, lean meats, fruits, and veggies. I took my time, never panicked, and let the workouts work their magic on me, and they did.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I was a savage alcoholic for a few years after losing everything in my life when the recession hit. I lost my business of 20 years, the building it was housed in, my home, my wife, almost three million dollars, and ultimately my sobriety. It nearly cost me my life. I finally was able to put that experience behind me last June by checking myself into rehab. I was a total physical mess. My BP when I checked in was 212/115. I was on the verge of death. I got sober in rehab and then continued that path when I got out. I got involved in AA, and actually started volunteering my time at the rehab I was a patient in as my sober journey continued. My sober b-day is the same as my “belly button” birthday May 31st. I turned 54 years old, and was one year sober on 5/31/15. I’m about to graduate from college (12/15), the last thing I needed to change was my body and my confidence. I’ve done that! I am Swaggerlicious!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
My confidence level was at an all time low. I was a guy who grew up with mad swag and confidence, but I had lost so much so fast that it all went away. I felt like an absolute loser, and I let myself go because I simply didn’t care. When I got sober (5/31/14), and my mind started to heal I knew I had to do something to really jump start my confidence again and honestly this was a total shot in the dark. I thought I was too old, too far gone, and could never stay interested long enough for it to work. I was wrong! The changes in my body, spurred my mind into a positive thought mode, and the craziest thing happened, my mind and my body just fed off one another. Suddenly my whole life had a momentum that it had never had before, and I rode it to where I am today. Beachbody is the single greatest thing to happen to my mind and body. I have a loyal FB following that love to see my progress and cheer me on. Its been so much fun. I love Tony, Sagi, and everything about Beachbody!


What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I liked the P90X3 even more than Body Beast. I thought Tony Horton was absolutely perfect for me. I loved the way he explained the workouts, what they did for the body, and the way he conducted the workouts themselves. I was never bored, and always engaged in the process. I looked forward to every single day, and found myself starting to panic as the 90 day mark was getting closer and closer. The best thing about the workouts themselves was they were just complicated enough to keep my mind busy on what my mind was doing allowing me to just work hard and not dread the exercise itself at all. The thirty minutes flew by!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I am most proud of the huge weight loss, and the effect it had on me mentally. I have lost almost 60 pounds in just eight total months between the two programs (Body Beast and P90X3), and I don’t just walk the walk I strut it. Doing these programs allowed me to believe in myself again. When I bought the Body Beast DVDs I didn’t really believe they would work, or that I had the discipline to do it the right way, but after that experience I knew the day I ordered the P90X3 DVDs that I was going to be done 90 days later and I was. That’s the difference in who I am today. I know its going to happen because I am totally in control of my mind and body!

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
Everything is better, everything! I feel great, I look great, I get tons of compliments, and I can wear anything in my closet. My mental attitude is 100% positive. I am really as happy as I can be right now. I still have a lot of struggles ahead of me, but this program has given me the confidence that I can change anything in my life that I put my mind too. Just look at my before and after photos. What an amazing difference. The other major change is the respect I have earned from virtually everyone. Even my evil brother (lol), has had to begrudgingly give me my props for the changes I made. I have no doubt that after graduation in December of 2015 this program will play a huge role in the next job I land. If I can do this anyone can, and I believe it with all my heart!

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.

*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.