Transformation Tuesday: Jaclyn Lost 21 Pounds with Country Heat!

Transformation Tuesday: Jaclyn Lost 21 Pounds with Country Heat!

Jaclyn D. participated in the test group for Country Heat, and had some incredible results! She lost 21 pounds and 20.5 inches in 90 days. Here’s what she had to say about her Country Heat results and the program:

“I feel awesome. I’m healthier and more fit than I have my entire life. I feel strong, confident, light on my toes, optimistic, and it always gives me a boost to see the tangible ways my physical health has improved – from climbing stairs without getting winded to being able to carry all my groceries in one trip!

I am very uncoordinated, but after a week or so, I got the hang of it. The instruction was very clear, so once I understood the basic format of the workouts, it did feel easy to follow, and then I could push harder for more results.

I did not expect to see such extreme results just from dancing. I’ve never been a big cardio lover (yoga, Pilates, and strength training were more my thing), but now I see the results from daily cardio and I am so impressed and excited.

Country Heat is honestly more fun than other programs I’ve tried because the dances are fun. You forget you’re working out, so it doesn’t feel like a chore. Mentally, that’s made a big impact on my because I actually want to work out. I found the music very fun, lively, sexy, and easy to dance to. I love that there are popular hits and they’re good for a reason. I was deterred from other dance programs because I didn’t like the knock-off versions of popular hits.

If you use Country Heat, you will have so much fun you’ll actually look forward to working out. You’ll shred fat with the constant cardio. You’ll tighten up and create definition in your core, legs, and even arms. If you didn’t like dancing before or thought you couldn’t do it, this will build your confidence and maybe even make you love it.”

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