Commercial Break Isometric Workout with Tony Horton

Commercial Break Isometric Workout with Tony Horton

Let’s say it’s Saturday and you find yourself sitting on the couch, enjoying a marathon of your favorite TV show. There is nothing wrong with that. However, instead of sitting on your butt during the commercials, get up and exercise for two minutes with Tony Horton’s commercial break isometric workout. The best part is after the commercials end, you can get back to watching your show and feel great about doing it!

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0:20 Chair
0:51 Straight Leg Out
1:08 Crescent Pose
1:25 Warrior 3
1:40 Warrior 3 Squats
1:57 Straight Leg Out
2:13 Crescent Pose
2:29 Warrior 3
2:50 Warrior 3 Squats