Eat the Rainbow With This 1500-1800 Calorie 21 Day Fix Meal Prep

When you’re following an intense workout program, you need to feed your body with clean fuel so you can stay energized for the entire length of a workout and still feel great all day. BODi’s Senior Manager of Culinary Content, Kirsten Morningstar, walks in the morning and does an INSANITY: THE ASYLUM workout in the evening. This week, her meals fit into the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan 1500-1799 calorie range, and are packed with wholesome ingredients.
Kirsten used some of the recipes on the BODi Blog and included her favorite fruits and vegetables to create a nourishing and colorful meal prep menu. She likes to eat a big salad for lunch, and finds it easiest to make several at once, like an assembly line. Buying cooked chicken breasts at the Whole Foods deli saved her cooking time. Measuring out individual portions of fruit and oats into plastic bags, makes it easy for her to reach for a snack in the afternoons.
Here are the meals Kirsten prepared this week, along with the 21 Day Fix container measurements for each:
Breakfast: Shakeology with frozen fruit, Greek yogurt and 1 tsp. almond butter (not shown) (2 red, 1 purple, 1 tsp.)
Lunch: Arugula, parsley, radishes, tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumber, carrot, feta with 2 hardboiled eggs OR 1 can tuna with balsamic dressing and brown rice (not shown) (3 greens, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 orange)
Snack: Oatmeal with fruit (2 yellow, 1 purple)
Dinner M/W/F: Grilled chicken breast with Caramelized Carrots with Curry Spice and roasted Brussels sprouts (1 red, 1.5 green, 1 tsp)
Dinner T/TH: Chicken and Cauliflower Fried Rice (1 Green, 1 Red, 1 tsp.) (This recipe makes more than enough for two meals, so Kirsten froze the extra food for the following week.)
Dessert: Apple with 1 tsp. almond butter (not pictured) (1 purple, 2 tsp.)
Grocery list:
2 boxes arugula
1 package Brussels sprouts
2 pounds carrots
2 heads cauliflower
4 bell peppers, various sizes
green onions
frozen peas
1 container strawberries
2 containers black berries
1 basket cherry tomatoes
2 lemons
3 bags frozen fruit
1 lb. ground chicken
12 oz. cooked chicken breast from deli
1 dozen eggs
3 cans tuna
nonfat Greek yogurt
5 Shakeology packets
old fashioned rolled oats
Healthy Fats
feta cheese crumbles
coconut aminos (for cauliflower rice)
Note about the grocery list: Kirsten was stepping down her calorie level, so thought she might need to have extra food on hand. She purchased ingredients for an extra snack of hummus and vegetables (tahini, garbanzo beans, lemons, broccoli, bell pepper) in case she got hungry in the afternoons. She never needed to eat it, so those ingredients are pictured, but not included in the grocery list.
Photo by Kirsten Morningstar