Beachbody Results: Julie Lost 43 Pounds with T25 and 22HC!

Julie Weirich lost 43 lbs. with FOCUS T25, 22 Minute Hard Corps, and Shakeology. She entered her results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for August 11th!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Right before starting 22 Minute Hard Corps, I had just completed T25. I loved my results from that program and was excited to try another Beachbody workout series that was even shorter! If 25 minutes a day could get it done, then 22 minutes sounded even better (lol)! I’m a busy, sleep-deprived mom of three very little ones, so every single minute counts! At this point in my postpartum fitness and weight-loss journey, I was feeling much better about myself but still had a long way to go to reach my goals.4 I still had a bad post-baby belly I was desperately trying to get rid of. T25 got me way closer to my goals! When finishing that program, I wanted something to help me continue to achieve amazing results. I was nowhere near the end of my journey. My “after” pictures were progress pictures.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
When starting T25 at five months postpartum, I had a long way to go to get my pre-baby body back.4 T25 whipped me into shape and great physical condition. I was so much happier with myself and my body, but still had a lot of work to do. I was a work in progress, and I wanted to return to my pre-baby weight. I wanted my clothes to fit again. I wanted to be leaner, more sculpted, and get in even better shape. I was well on my way to getting there thanks to T25, but still had work to do. Of course, I turned to Beachbody to help me get there since it helped me already make such amazing progress. 22 Minute Hard Corps had just been released, and it sounded amazing. I wanted something short and doable for a busy mom, so I made the leap and committed myself to this new program. 22 Minute Hard Corps also looked fun (and it was!).
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge is time. I am always taking care of my kids and my family, and have no time left for me. Honestly, I haven’t made myself a priority because I didn’t think there was any time left for me. Like T25, this is doable, and it’s even shorter! It seriously doesn’t get much better than 22 minutes. I truly owe so much to Beachbody and Tony Horton for creating 22 Minute Hard Corps. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Even on my busiest day, I can do 22 minutes, and that 22 minutes gets it done! I’m legit dripping buckets of sweat onto the floor and feeling the burn.
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I love 22 Minute Hard Corps! It is hands-down my favorite Beachbody program! I love the length; 22 minutes is doable for anyone. So short yet you still get completely drenched with sweat! I loved the bootcamp and circuit training style. It made the time fly by and seemed even shorter than 22 minutes. I wasn’t checking the clock. I loved working out with real people who were not just fitness buffs or insanely fit people. They struggled through it just like me and were such an inspiration, especially being vets, which was another bonus for the program. I really enjoyed counting the reps. I did every single rep, even if I had to hit pause. Other programs you just do as much as you can, as fast as you can, and you get done what you get done. 22 Minute Hard Corps holds you accountable. You don’t have to rush and you don’t have to modify or get wonky form just to keep up. You count, do the reps, and get it done. Awesome. Another thing I loved was alternating cardio and resistance. A great balance! Great program!
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
With 22 Minute Hard Corps, not only did I gain a ton of strength and muscle, I also lost nine pounds and 7.75 inches! Boomshakalaka! I went from barely being able to do one pull-up with my Chin-Up Max assist to being able to do eight! Mom of three, eight assisted pull-ups! Who would have thought? I’m really impressed with the gains I was able to get in such a short time. I remember thinking 25 burpees was a lot, and now I could fairly easily do 100. That’s crazy! Of course, I am proud of my pounds and inches lost, but I am also really proud of how strong I am and how fit I am. I really do feel amazing.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
After completing 22 Minute Hard Corps and the Hell Week Challenge, I pretty much feel like a rock star (lol)! Seriously, it felt like a huge accomplishment. It was hard work, and I got so much stronger. The stronger you are, the better you feel, and I feel fantastic. Having more muscles always makes you feel good 🙂 I also feel like after completing this program, I can do anything I want. Thanks to 22 Minute Hard Corps, I’m not that mom who is overweight “but it’s okay” because she had kids. I’m that fit mom who can do anything. Heck yeah! I have to tell you the other day, someone commented on how this program must be easy for me and would be too hard for them, because I’m so in shape. Who me?! Yes, they were talking about me (lol)! I felt like looking around the room. I am now that person people think is just naturally fit. I had to correct them… I’m down 43 pounds with Shakeology, T25, and 22 Minute Hard Corps. Hard work pays off and with Beachbody’s tools, I did it and so can they!
How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
While completing 22 Minute Hard Corps, I participated in the #SummerStrong Beachbody Challenge Group on Facebook and loved it! Everyone was very supportive, honest, and inspiring. When I didn’t feel like pushing play or was having a particularly crazy day, I could log on and see so many other people struggling to get it done just like me. We would motivate each other. Total strangers became teammates, which is awesome. Usually I fly solo when working out and completing a program, but I have to say it was really wonderful to feel like I wasn’t in this alone. The accountability was helpful, but I really do hold myself accountable. The best part was seeing others push, struggle, succeed, sometimes falter, overcome, finish, conquer… just be normal people working together to be better, stronger, healthier, and happier than the day before. Such an amazing thing to participate in. In a time where there is so much negativity in the world, this group of strangers proved how wonderful and supportive people can be.
How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
One particular Coach didn’t help me on my journey. But in the #SummerStrong Challenge Group, there were several Coaches who were eager to help me and anyone who needed it. Questions? Just ask in the Group and you’ll get an answer. The community of Coaches and support that Beachbody has built is pretty amazing!
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, or digestion/regularity?
I am hooked on Shakeology! I love that it’s vegan. I love that it’s plant-based and isn’t soy. It’s healthy, easy, and protein-rich. For a busy mom of three, it doesn’t get much better than a fast meal. I can whip Shakeology up between taking my kids to their gymnastic and dance classes, between feeding the baby and changing diapers… you get the idea (lol). Instead of reaching for junk and progressed garbage, I am drinking my daily dose of dense nutrition in a matter of minutes, and feeling good about it. Also, Shakeology is the best tasting vegan meal shake and protein there is. Most are so not very tasty. I’m not one of those people who can drink anything because it’s healthy. It has to taste good, and Chocolate Vegan Shakeology does!
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program affect any existing health conditions you have?
Shakeology helped me lose weight and feel great. Drinking daily, I saw a difference. I’m hooked 😉
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes. What program are you committing to next?
†Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
4Always consult with your physician before commencing any fitness program or nutritional product if you are pregnant or postpartum.