Beachbody Results: Jeffrey Lost 46 Pounds In a Year!

Beachbody Results: Jeffrey Lost 46 Pounds In a Year!

Jeffrey Kibler lost 46 lbs. in one year with FOCUS T25, INSANITY MAX:30, 3-Day Refresh, and Shakeology. He entered his Beachbody results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for June 8th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
My story up to the point of INSANITY MAX:30 can be seen on the Transformation Tuesday for December 22, 2015. T25 is what started everything for me. As you can see, I was actually pretty happy with my life just before INSANITY MAX:30. After T25, I was talking with my Beachbody Coach, and she told me how amazing and difficult INSANITY MAX:30 was. I was immediately sold. This started out as purely a challenge for me and the opportunity to tone up a little bit, but it ended up being something completely different. I think if you keep reading, you will see what I mean.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
It wasn’t about changing my life; it was about keeping up and maintaining the change. I loved T25 so much that INSANITY MAX:30 was a very easy choice to make.

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
Interestingly enough, I started this program during the period where most Americans struggle with their eating and their health… the holidays. I started this program right after Thanksgiving, which was only a few days after finishing T25. Even in those few days, I had put on a few pounds and felt horrible. I started out at 193 lbs. I couldn’t wait to get going and while I never missed a workout in December because of Beachbody On Demand, I was still stuck in the typical holiday season of traveling, eating out, eating poorly, making bad decisions, etc. It amazes me how ever-present horrible food and temptation are in our society. By Day 30, I was up to 197 lbs. and knew that if I hadn’t been doing MAX:30, it would have been way worse. The weight gain wasn’t everything; my body was really telling me to stop and get back on track…I listened. I got back on track and gave round two hell. I got back to eating right, was able to drop 10 lbs. in round two alone, and finished at 187 lbs.!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I have to say that I like every single workout on all of the DVDs. Just like T25, one of the main reasons I liked INSANITY MAX:30 is the variety. It is easy to get into the groove of doing the same workout and develop muscle memory and get nothing out of it. INSANITY MAX:30 changes every day, keeps your body guessing, and continues challenging you. MAX:30 is incredibly intense and gives you an insane workout that you actually feel proud to have accomplished. The Ab Maximizer program is also amazing. T25 was an amazing series but INSANITY MAX:30 is the pinnacle of Shaun T workouts. Incredibly difficult. I liked the Max Out piece the best. If you are truly pushing yourself to the max, it is almost impossible to finish one of these workouts. It’s OK to max out; you just have to pick yourself up and keep going. You max out time is a fantastic way to keep pushing yourself and setting goals.

Beachbody Results: Jeffrey Lost 46 Pounds In a Year! |

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
My life continues to be full of healthy decisions and a sense of pride that I no longer weigh 234 pounds. I’m happy that my daughter doesn’t have to see me the way I was anymore. I have tons more energy, and I feel like I have made a permanent change in my life. I’m never going back. I have also become a Beachbody Coach, and I’m looking to spread my experience with Beachbody products to anyone else who wants to change their lives. I’m currently doing 22 Minute Hard Corps, and when that is finished, I plan to move to The Master’s Hammer and Chisel or Body Beast. I have purchased all of these products and can’t wait to start.

My blood pressure and cholesterol were getting to the point that my doctor wanted to prescribe medication. My doctor is no longer concerned about my blood pressure or cholesterol. Most of this happened prior to MAX:30 as discussed in the Transformation Tuesday story. I have not felt this good in about 15 years. I have tons of energy now. I no longer drag myself out of bed in the morning, and don’t constantly feel like I want to sit down and rest. I feel like I have my life back. I think that INSANITY MAX:30, T25, the T25/MAX:30 nutrition guide, the 21 Day Fix nutrition guide, 3-Day Refresh, and Shakeology played a massive part in all of these changes.

How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
Jenna was great. She was always there when I had questions, and always made it a point to check in on me throughout the program. She had gone through the program herself so it was great having someone to talk to about it. In general, it was just nice having someone to chat with about the program who is interested in it. It’s difficult to get support from other people around you who aren’t interested in the fitness programs or don’t share the same goals and interests regarding health and fitness. We also talked about Shakeology and 3-Day Refresh.

How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, or digestion/regularity?

The main role Shakeology has played with me is that I drink it for breakfast after my workout. I never used to eat breakfast, and I know how terrible that is for you. Shakeology is a fast and healthy way to start the day, and I feel it really gives my body the nutrition it needs in the morning. I’m also not starving at lunchtime anymore, which prevents me from overeating and also lets me make healthier choices as opposed to reaching for the first thing I can find. There are two main things I like about Shakeology. First is that it is loaded with vitamins. Secondly, it is incredibly low in cholesterol and sugar. I also completed 3-Day Refresh and absolutely loved it. I just felt like my body needed a few days to flush itself out and get rid of the holiday leftovers, and that is exactly what it did. I would recommend Shakeology and 3-Day Refresh to anyone.

Additionally, I notice the increase in energy and better sleep above all things. Better diet combined with MAX:30 has definitely given me tons more energy. I start my day with an intense workout and Shakeology, and I can feel it throughout the day. When it is time to sleep, I have no problems anymore. I don’t feel like I’m struggling to make it through the day, yet when I lie down for bed, it is game-over.

Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.