James Lost 72 Pounds With Beachbody Programs

James Lost 72 Pounds With Beachbody Programs

After moving to a new place for his relationship, James started to rapidly gain weight after that relationship ended. He came to a point where he knew he had to change, so he decided to try Beachbody programs. He lost 72 pounds and 15 inches in 5 months with FOCUS T25, Brazil Butt Lift, and Ultimate Reset. Read about his amazing experience below:

“I had just moved for a relationship, and I was away from all my family and friends. Shortly after I moved, that relationship ended and I started to eat my feelings. I didn’t want to go outside, I didn’t want to be seen in public, and I just stayed at home and became a hermit. It got to be so bad that I went from 190 pounds to 260 in just a few short months. One day, someone took a picture of me at my lowest point without my consent and posted it all over online. The comments I read made me really depressed, and I knew it was time for a change.

I decided to do FOCUS T25 and Brazil Butt Lift at the same time at 240 pounds. I did the FOCUS T25 Alpha round twice and then moved on to Beta. I didn’t want to stop there, so then I completed FOCUS T25 and Ultimate Reset. I loved my results. When I flexed, I started to see my muscles pop out, which made me really excited. With Ultimate Reset, I had never tried a vegan-based cleanse. The program introduced me to different ingredients I’ve never tried before, and I made all these different specialty dishes. It was really enjoyable. By the time I finished Ultimate Reset, I was at 168 pounds, which I haven’t been since 7th grade.

I am now extremely happy and more organized with my time. My fitness lifestyle has seeped into my day-to-day life, giving me a more optimistic view on myself and my life. It has given me the courage to go back to school to become a physician’s assistant, and I’ve already registered for classes this fall. I learned how to better manage my time, which will be extremely important so I can do well in school and continue my healthy, active lifestyle.

I feel amazing. I feel like I can go out in public and not feel ashamed. I feel like I’ve got my life back, and I’m forever grateful. Everyone, whether in person or online, has complemented me on my new physique. They’ve asked me for advice, and of course I told them about the Beachbody programs I’ve completed. They tell me that I’m an inspiration to them. I have never felt happier in my entire life.”

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.

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