Beachbody Results: INSANITY Helped Cheryl Get Back on Track

Beachbody Results: INSANITY Helped Cheryl Get Back on Track

Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Cheryl is an independent Beachbody Coach.

Meet Cheryl D.! She participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for December 19th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?*

I have always been passionate about work and life balance. I have always tried to eat properly and exercise. Before I had children, I had no problem staying in top shape. After the kids were born, my weight never recovered to my pre-pregnancy weight. Everyone just kept saying “well you had kids so just live with it” I had some success getting my weight down only to have it slowly climb back up. It was frustrating as I have always eaten so carefully but I couldn’t find the formula. Then in the summer of 2011, my shoulder froze up making working out painful and almost impossible. For 4 months I only got about 2 hours of sleep per night because of the continuous pain, my body was excessively stressed and toxic. I worked for a whole year in therapy and stretching to get it to release. I vowed to overcome this and promised myself to get back into shape. I was embarrassed and frustrated that I couldn’t overcome the weight issue. I felt defeated and a failure…..1

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?*

Then in the summer of 2012 my shoulder released – thank goodness! I had promised my son that when it released I would join him back doing Beachbody workouts. so In august 2012 I started by using the 10 minute trainers to start to get back in shape, then some Hip Hop Abs. At the start of October, I started Insanity with my son, Jarrod. At the start of October, I also agreed to be a foundation coach in Calgary, Canada as I want to inspire others to fight back and get fit. Even at 48, I was making it happen, and I knew I could help others do that too. My goal was to complete the 60 days and make a big change in myself. And it happened!! 10.7 lbs and 11.3 inches better I have started the transition. I completed TurboFire for 5 months following this – Now total loss was 23.3 inches / 22.7 lbs . Then we will be doing the UR & then did Focus T25 – by Oct 2013 total LOSS is: 27 lbs & 26.8 inches! I can say that INSANITY was my kickstart back to health, and the journey continues …..

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?*

My frozen shoulder and my body resisted losing weight. But INSANITY changed that! I followed the calendar and the nutrition guidelines, took Shakeology and the weight started to drop as did the inches! Shakeology also helped me to fit in proper eating in my busy days, as I could take one with me. Now my whole family is using Shakeology! I had a long way back to my weight goals and Beachbody is supporting me to make that happen, 50% there since Oct 2012 is amazing. I have never had results like that with any programs I have used before! I also love the fact that these allow me to work out with my schedule when I want and with the support of a great coaching team. Also proud to be part of that! At 49, I was making it happen, so you can too! Don’t ever give up on being healthy and happy — Wellness is key!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?*

INSANITY pushed me, gave me the mixture of cardio and conditioning, it was fun with SHAUN T pushing me every day. The nutrition planning and guidelines were simple to follow and very effective. The recommendation of 5 meals a day really made a difference too as did Shakeology. I was never hungry and had LOTS of energy. All my family, friends, clients and colleagues noticed the changes and my heightened energy level. It was awesome. TurboFire was a nice change from Insanity. It took me a while to get coordinated but once I got the hang of the workouts I could push to my limits. Loved Chalene and her positive support and reinforcement. The program gets harder as the months go on and that is great to keep it interesting. Recommend it if you love a more aerobics style workout or just to mix up the strength and cardio. T25 Alpha, Beta, Gamma added to my strength and stamina and cardio. Each pushing me one step higher while I get fitter…. Loved the condensed program in 25 minutes!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?*

There have been many changes. I am a firm believer in the nutrition guidelines and the 5 meal process. I am a firm believer in Shakeology and its benefits. But the biggest thing for me was finishing INSANITY (knowing it is just the beginning) with a total loss of 10.7 lbs and 11.3 inches. I was so happy to see that change in 60 days. NOW it’s on to the next challenge! Turbo Fire done as of April 2013, another 12 inches lost and 12 lbs lost. So total loss since October 2012 was 23.3 lbs and 22.2 inches. Yeah! Looking forward to adding that T-Shirt to my collection and proud to say I did it! T25 Alpha Beta and Gamma finished in Oct 2013, giving me a total loss in 1 year of 26.9 lbs / 26.8 inches.

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?*

I saw INSANITY as the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I was 48 and realized that I could be in the shape I was before, and I don’t have to kill myself to do it. Now I want to share with everyone else, and have committed to doing that as a Beachbody Coach! Yeah! INSANITY proved to me that good nutrition plus exercise works! TurboFire added to the results and pushed me in a different way to continue my journey! Continuing to get stronger and more confident in my ability to take back control of my wellness, health, nutrition, and fitness. Really want to be a model for those that are my age. I called myself the 49-year-old youth! Ha, that is how I feel. T25 added to my results, strength and endurance. Feeling fitter and fitter every day. my 1-year results say it all!

Would you like to nominate your TeamBeachBody Coach for the role that he or she played in your success?*


How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?

It helped me to report in and stay focused. It helped me to be accountable and track my workouts every day and report my results on a regular basis. It helped me to ensure I stayed on track and on target for my goals — 24% of the way there so far. TurboFire challenge group gave me a place to be accountable, ask questions and post progress pictures. Loved being motivated by the group. It helped me to stay focused and motivated to get to my results! Thanks all! T25 / Insanity group helped keep me focused, motivated and accountable, thanks team for the support!

How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey?

Ricardo was a great support. He encouraged me, he helped me focus, he helped answer my questions and gathered information for me. He also encouraged me to be a coach to share my passion for helping others. I am so glad that my son introduced me to Ricardo and look forward to working with him into the future as my coach and as my friend! Thanks, Ricardo!

How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program affect any existing health conditions you have?

Shakeology and the recovery formula helped me to recover more quickly from my workout and boosted my energy level! Loved it! As a permanent part of our nutrition program now, provides me with energy throughout the day, feel nutrified and clean.2

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.

1Always consult with your physician about your unique medical needs before commencing any fitness program or nutritional product.
2These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.