Transformation Tuesday: Andy Lost 5 Pounds in 3 Days

Transformation Tuesday: Andy Lost 5 Pounds in 3 Days

Andy N. was tired and sluggish, finding himself dependent on caffeine from a trip he took. He knew when he got back that he needed to get back on track, and he chose the 3-Day Refresh to help him do just that. He lost 5 pounds and 2.5 inches on his waist! Refreshing, indeed. But don’t take it from us! Here’s

“Physically I felt pretty sluggish and tired from a few days of not eating very healthy while traveling. I was using a lot of caffeine to get by and wasn’t sleeping well. I needed a “reboot” to help me get back on track with my health.

With 3-Day Refresh, I wasn’t ever hungry, I felt clean from the inside out, more energetic, even tempered, focused and balanced! I thought both Vanilla Fresh and Fiber Sweep were really pretty good! I loved the taste of the Vanilla Fresh shake and the Fiber Sweep actually had a decent flavor as well. No problems here! I experienced weight loss, decreased bloating, renewed energy, improved digestion, improved sleep, improved mood and mental clarity!

Continued consistency of a daily program has shown me that anyone at any level can find a program for them and achieve great results! I lost 5 lbs in 3 days! That’s pretty cool!

It really doesn’t get any easier! Even if you’re really busy or traveling you can get a jumpstart and refreshed in the process! The meals are very simple to make and prep, and you won’t only feel rejuvenated and refreshed, but you feel like you have control again. It’s actually very empowering!

I already ordered a second one! I will do the 3-Day Refresh about once a quarter.”