“I Achieved All the Results I Was Striving For!”

“I Achieved All the Results I Was Striving For!”

Meet Joey H.! He participated in The Beachbody Challenge and won the $500 Daily Prize for December 6th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Before starting P90X3, I knew that I was out of shape. I had gained a lot of weight over the past 3 years and felt miserable about myself. I knew I needed a change. I looked at many of the options for losing weight and decided that doing a Beachbody program was my best option. I had seen infomercials about P90X, but knew nothing about any of the other programs. I looked online, and it looked like P90X3 would be a good option. I wanted to lose fat and put on muscle, and P90X3 was the answer.

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I had gotten miserably out of shape. When a coworker asked how much weight I had put on (out of the blue), I decided that it was time to make a change. After looking at the Beachbody website, I was ecstatic about getting on board with Beachbody and making a change. I knew that it was going to be a lot of work, but I knew that I could make a change, and be a good example for others that wanted to transform their lives as well.

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge in the beginning was the negative comments that I was getting from people regarding me trying to get in shape. A lot of people said that I was wasting my time and that I couldn’t make a change. I kept my head up and kept working at it. After about 4 weeks, the ones who were being negative began to ask me what I was doing to make such a change. They wanted to be a part of what I was doing!!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
I love the fact that P90X3 works both cardio as well as muscle growth. I enjoy cardio, but I wanted to add muscle. I was excited to see that I put on muscle while doing this ONLY 30 minutes a day!!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I achieved ALL the results that I was striving for!! I lost fat, added muscle, and my proudest achievement: my abs are now showing!!!

How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
My life has completely changed! I have now became a Beachbody Coach due to the fact that I have seen that I can help change others’ lives, just as I have done my own. I have learned to eat healthy as well as maintain the habit of exercising every day! Since becoming a Beachbody Coach, I have helped change the lives of 18 people where I work. We’ve started 4 different fit clubs, and have become walking proof that the combination of P90X3 and Shakeology really works!!

How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I did not miss one single day of doing my P90X3 program due to the accountability part of the Challenge Group! Keeping up with others and the motivation greatly helped my success.

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge, for the ultimate motivation to get fit! Select any Beachbody program and once you complete it, share your results for your chance to win cash and prizes.