Prep for 80 Day Obsession with A Little Obsessed With Autumn Calabrese

The obsession continues!
Autumn Calabrese and her cast are back with A Little More Obsessed: six more workouts designed to — you guessed it — carve toned abs and sculpt firm, round glutes while strengthening your entire body.
Completing 80 Day Obsession isn’t a requirement to do A Little More Obsessed, but these brand-new workouts will help you build on the progress you’ve made.
On top of including new exercises, Autumn designed these workouts to be a little shorter, but still high-intensity.
As long as you’ve been exercising for a while, A Little More Obsessed is a great way to challenge yourself and add some variety to your current fitness routine.
How Is A Little More Obsessed Different from A Little Obsessed and 80 Day Obsession?
If you’re new to the Obsession, here’s the breakdown:
A Little Obsessed is a five-day program with 30-minute workouts that include exercises from 80 Day Obsession — it’s basically a crash course to help prepare you for what’s to come in the full program.
80 Day Obsession features more challenging and longer workouts (45 to 60 minutes long). The goal is a total-body transformation with a strong emphasis on glute and core training.
A Little More Obsessed lasts six days and maintains the same obsessive focus on sculpting a leaner, stronger body from head to toe.
The workouts are tougher than those in 80 Day Obsession, but each one lasts just 45 minutes.
What Is the Nutrition Plan for A Little More Obsessed?
If you’ve done 80 Day Obsession, you’ll simply follow that program’s eating plan using the Phase 1 calculation to determine your daily calorie target.
For those who aren’t familiar with Autumn’s nutrition strategy for 80 Day Obsession, we’ll walk you through it, showing you how to get your best results by combining her proven portion-control container system with the unique Timed-Nutrition Meal Plan.
Pro tip: Check out this meal prep for A Little More Obsessed!
How Can I Get A Little More Obsessed?
If you are a Beachbody On Demand member and currently have an active nutritional monthly subscription — such as Shakeology or Beachbody Performance — then you won’t need to do anything!
You automatically have access to A Little More Obsessed on Beachbody On Demand.
What Equipment Will I Need for A Little More Obsessed?
If you’ve done 80 Day Obsession, good news — you already have everything you need!
If not, you’ll need dumbbells (light, medium, and heavy), strength slides, resistance loops, and a mat if you’re working out on a hard floor.
You’ll also need Autumn’s portion-control containers to help you stay on track with your nutrition.
All equipment, except for dumbbells, is available for purchase from your Team Beachbody Coach or
Pro tip: Check out the A Little More Obsessed FAQ here.