P90X3 Results: 60-Year-Old Grandma Completed P90X3 and Lost 16 Pounds!

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Shannon is an independent Beachbody Coach.
Meet Shannon Allum, age 60 from Belton, TX.She entered The Beachbody Challenge in April 2015 and won $1,000!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I have been very athletic and active most of my life. 4 1/2 years ago I got shingles twice within six months of each other. That changed my life. I was left with chronic herpatic nerve pain. My pain level on strong narcotics and related Rx’s was a 7.3 I was unable to work let alone work out. My life was taking pills and laying around. I sat and watched the world go by. I put on a lot of weight and had no ability to do anything. Plus I was staring 60 in the face! I avoided mirrors and just felt hopeless.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I would see these spots on TV about P90X3 and I thought yea right, I can’t do that. I’m so out of shape. Plus I’m older. I also had a friend who had quit the gym and had begun to do P90X. I saw him a year later and was he ever in shape! What a difference. He told me this program really works. A year ago my husband and I moved to Texas. I found a pain Dr. who was able to do some blocks for my nerve pain. That began to clear up and, after getting off pills, I knew I had to do something. I dreaded thinking how tough it would be to start exercising again. Not knowing anyone too well, and not wanting to do the gym gig again I thought about P90X3. So I found an infomercial on TV and called.
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody® help you overcome that challenge?
The greatest challenge was being so out of shape and five years older from when I had done any exercise. It really sucks living with chronic pain. My chronic pain has been held in check pretty much. Unless one has dealt with it, it is hard to explain how it takes over ones life and wears you down! I knew about eating right but had not been doing that either. I decided. I committed. I succeeded. I stuck with a 1500 calorie diet, drank Shakeology everyday, used the E&E, and Recovery. All the tools are right there and I incorporated them into my life. I will always drink Shakeology. I love it. Every night before I went to bed I pushed the couch out of the way, put my mat down, and put the DVD in for the next days workout. I want more. More strength and lean muscle. I am doing the elite block right now. I’ve already bought P90X2. Then I want to do INSANITY MAX:30. I want to become a certified trainer. I may on occasion hit pause during a workout but I will never hit stop!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
The variety. I liked trying hard stuff. A lot of times I couldn’t do it to begin with but I’d talk to Tony a lot and say I’ll get it. I’ll keep trying. Or I’d hit pause and work on something for a bit before going on. The crane cracker I told Tony You want me to do what? But I kept trying and I can do it, it’s not pretty and I can’t do a lot of them but boy do I feel like Wonder Woman when I’d accomplish something tough.
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
Man, where to start. I changed a whole lot of fat and flab to muscle. I wanted to lose more weight. I’m a chick, which one of us doesn’t? I lost a lot of inches. I can wear lower cut pants and smaller size. I feel good and strong. I have more stamina. Confident is another word that comes to mind. 60 is my age but it has nothing to do with what I can accomplish.
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I can do whatever comes my way. I’m doing yardwork again and I live near my granddaughter who is 2. She is a pistol but I can keep up and we hang out all day together. I have my life back plus some. Thank you Beachbody. Thank you Tony. You don’t know me, but I’m sweating away with you 6 days a week. I’m not done. I’ve just started. The other day at the grocery store I arm pressed myself over the grocery cart bar in the parking lot. Boy, did I ever get the stares! I just wanted to know if I could and I can.
How did your Team Beachbody® Coach support you on your journey?
She is my beautician. So when I signed up for P90X3 I had mentioned it and she asked if I would request her as my Coach. She is a really nice person but we had no interaction. I’d tell her how I was doing and she would say great. Soon after I began my program I met a few neighbors. Come to find out there were 3 that did different programs and on occasion worked out together. Everyone drank Shakeology also! My next door neighbor has been such a huge support. We would sit and talk about how our work outs were going. I found out she has fibromyalgia. So we both had pain issues. She is so positive and has seen such a difference in her life also. We hit it off great and continue to motivate and encourage each other. I know this isn’t really how it usually works, but she has been there for me and I for her.
How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program (such as Shakeology® or Beachbody Ultimate Reset®) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, digestion/regularity?
In the morning I’d take the E&E. It really works. Kept me powering through the whole workout. Then I’d drink the Recovery. I like that a lot. I didn’t have muscle soreness half as much as usual. Tastes great. I love Shakeology. Always will. Everyday. It fills me up and takes care of my chocolate need. After being on so many narcotics and other stuff, regularity was an issue. Not anymore. I feel good.2
How did a Beachbody Supplement or Nutritional Product or Program affect any existing health conditions you have?
Since having dealt with chronic pain for so long and feeling not well, all of the previously mentioned products have contributed a lot to my well being now. I know I would not be as healthy if I was not drinking Shakeology. My body is strong since completing P90X3.
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.
3Always consult with your physician about your unique medical needs before starting any fitness program or nutrition product.
2These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.