What Real People Look Like Working Out

Set to a backdrop of Missy Elliot’s you-can’t-help-but-groove-to-it thumping “Get UR Freak On,” this new video released by the UK organization This Girl Can is a testament to how amazing we all look — and feel — when we move it and is a great in-your-face reminder that beauty doesn’t come in one shape or size.
While the organization’s mission is aimed at celebrating “active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look or even how red their face gets,” we believe the positive message of the 90-second video below applies to both men and women. If you’ve ever felt self-conscious when working out, we hope the video below empowers you. After all, most of us don’t look like models when we work out. We sweat. We jiggle. We get red-faced. And you know what, we look hot.
And then we show up the next day and do it again.