Tony Lost Over 75 Pounds with 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix EXTREME!

Robert “Tony” Phillips lost 76 lbs. with 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix EXTREME. He entered his results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won $1,500!
Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Prior to Beachbody, 21 Day Fix, and 21 Day Fix EXTREME, I had given up. I was lacking self-esteem, angry with allowing myself to get in this condition, and truly felt lost. I have struggled with being overweight my entire adult life. I had reached a point where I did not like the way I looked in the mirror, or how my clothes fit. In addition, I had trouble sleeping and struggled with being tired. I suffered from headaches, as well as back and joint pain, every day. I have been on blood pressure and cholesterol medicine since my early 20s, and I am currently 41. I needed an answer. But I had tried several programs before and was never successful. I doubted that I would stick to this plan, and certainly did not think I would follow a nutrition plan.
What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
Honestly, I made the change due to seeing results from my Beachbody Coach, who is my niece. I was impressed by her results, and thought I really need to make a change in order to better my life. In addition, I wanted to be a “better” me and be there for my wife and kids for a long time, and not just do nothing and expect results. I am taking this one pound at a time, one day at a time, by being a product of the product, and it is the best decision that I have ever made in my life!
What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
My greatest challenge was getting back to believing in myself again. In order to achieve my results and make them long-term, I needed to go all in. I was truly scared that I was going to fail just like I had many other times before. I committed to this lifestyle and the Beachbody programs, and I just kept telling myself to remember my “why” for starting this plan in the first place. That has helped me to stay committed to this journey. My “why” is to be able to walk my daughter down the aisle one day; to be my son’s best man in his wedding; to be able to enjoy retirement for years with my wife; and to once again enjoy me. Beachbody has done all of that for me. I am blessed that it has given me a second chance on life. This time around, I am doing it the right way!
What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
The team atmosphere, the Challenge Groups, and the love and support from everyone — even those that do not know me personally. And the fact that this program has helped make me whole again. I am happier and more positive than I have been since I was in high school over 20 years ago.
Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I’m down 76 pounds and tons of inches. I am looking forward to reaching my goal of losing over 100 pounds on this program. However, the most proud moments that have impacted me and truly made me overwhelmed is when I was able to fit in to pants and shirts that you can buy in the “normal” section of department stores. I used to be embarrassed to clothes shop as I would sweat and get frustrated, but not anymore. My neighbors, friends, and coworkers are in shock with my improvement and weight loss. My most proud moment during this whole process was about a month ago, when my daughter hugged me good night. She backed up, smiled at me, and said: “Daddy, in all my life [she is almost 15 years old!], I have never been able to wrap my arms around you completely to hug you goodnight. Now I can, because of your success, and I am sooooooo proud of you!” Nothing else could make this journey any better!
How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
See above. But beyond that, I now have a ton more confidence and self-esteem, and my body no longer hurts. I feel like I am accomplishing something every day. I am also sleeping a ton better, and no longer feel tired every day. I am so excited to share my story with everyone that will listen.
How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
My Challenge Group kept me accountable and motivated daily. They shared exercise, nutrition, Shakeology, and other results. That kept me and my wife involved every day.
How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
Social media posts through Facebook and phone calls almost daily, along with text messages with answers for any questions that I was having.
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, or digestion/regularity?
I do not miss a day of Shakeology. It has served as a meal replacement, and helped with my energy level and any cravings. It has also helped me with clarity. My digestion/regularity is more normal than it has ever been in my life, and I believe that Shakeology helped with this.+ In addition, I used to be tired every day. I am sure that this product has helped with my sleeping patterns, ability to wake up and function throughout the day, and be on-the-go at all times.+
How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program affect any existing health conditions you have?
This is the great news. I just had a follow-up doctor’s appointment during my journey. I have taken cholesterol medicine since my early 20s. Due to the weight loss, lifestyle changes, and fitness added to my life, my doctor indicated that I will be able to reduce my cholesterol medicine. If my results continue at my next annual physical, she will explore removing me from the medicine altogether.o+ In addition, my blood pressure was better (125/71) than it has been since I was in my 20s at this follow-up appointment.+ My wife and I are so happy!
You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
oConsult your physician before discontinuing or altering any prescribed medication.
+These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Beachbody products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.