19 Things You Don’t Know About Jericho McMatthews

Jericho’s Morning Meltdown Super Block is here, so get to know your next girl crush — her idea of a perfect meal, what motivates her to work out, her greatest achievement, and more!
(P.S. And if you want a serious case of hair envy, make sure you check out her IG)
What You Don’t Know About Me… By Jericho McMatthews:
1. My favorite food: Thai or sushi (also, donuts).
2. My least favorite food: Swedish salt licorice.
3. My idea of a perfect meal: Homemade blueberry pancakes + mimosas on Saturday or Sunday morning!
4. What motivates me when I’m not in the mood to work out or eat healthy: The entire ripple effect (of awesomeness) that I’ll miss if I don’t!
5. My guilty pleasure: Target 🙂
6. One thing I’m really good at: Baking.
7. One thing I’m really bad at: Directions. Do NOT ask me to navigate.
8. How I clear my head after a crappy day: Walk to the water and listen to the waves.
9. The music that always puts me in a good mood: Old-school hip-hop.
10. The talent I would most like to have: Public speaking.
11. Who I admire and why: The underdogs. The dreamers. The risk-takers, rule-breakers, and rebels with a cause. The real change-makers.
12. The qualities I most admire in someone: Authenticity, kindness, spirit, emotional intelligence, integrity.
13. The things I most value in my friends: Loyalty, laughter, trust, honesty, accountability, dependability.
14. Three qualities that have gotten me to where I am today: A loving, fiery heart, a fighting spirit, and RESILIENCE.
15. The change I’d like to see in my industry: Less obsession with “quick fixes” and body image — and definitely more self-love and empowerment.
16. The best advice I’ve ever gotten: Trust your gut.
17. The best advice I could give someone: Love yourself unapologetically, be brave, and never forget how wildly capable you are.
18. My greatest achievement: Becoming Bexton’s mommy.
19. My idea of a perfect day: Wake up fully rested, coffee, a kick-ass workout, then family time! Faves are beach days, bike rides, snowboarding trips, Dodgers games, and road trips!