How to Make Your Own Peanut Butter in 5 Minutes (or Less)

I really cannot express just how much I love peanut butter.
I grew up eating it by the spoonful (I still do, just with a touch more moderation) and the peanut butter treats on my personal Pinterest boards probably outnumber other treats 2:1.
The trouble is, peanut butter is calorically dense. One serving (2 Tbsp.) is about 188 calories and 16 grams of fat.
On top of that, most store-bought peanut butters often contain more than just nuts. Sugars, salt, and oil are the most frequent additions (and those are ok in moderation).
But sometimes hydrogenated (or partially hydrogenated) oils and other ingredients sneak in, too.
“Basically, the closer you get to ‘nothing but crushed nuts’ the healthier the product,” says Denis Fay, M.S. “A little salt is okay. If you can find a nut butter with sea salt, that’s a better choice. Personally, I use almond butter because almonds are an amazing nut.”
The good news is that it’s really easy to make your own. All you need are peanuts, a small food processor, and a touch of sea salt if you prefer.
Homemade Peanut Butter
Inspired by The Kitchn
2 cups raw peanuts, no salt or oil added
¼ tsp. sea salt (optional)
1. Using a small food processor, pulse the peanuts until chopped.
2. Run the food processor for 1 minute. Using a spatula (or large spoon if that’s all you have), stop and scrape down the sides and bottom. The mixture will look dry.
3. Run the food processor for 1 minute. Stop and scrape the sides and bottom. It might start to come together in a ball at this point.
4. Run the food processor for 1 minute. Stop and scrape down the sides and bottom. It should look like traditional peanut butter at this point.
5. Add sea salt to mixture if using.
6. Run the food processor for 1 final minute. Scrape the mixture into a storage container and place it in the fridge. It should keep for several weeks.