20 Things You Don’t Know About Lacee Green

You may know Lacee Green from the cast of #mbf Muscle Burns Fat or her heart-pumping, muscle-building BODi workouts.
But here are 20 things you definitely need to know about Beachbody’s next Super Trainer!
Get to know Lacee — her idea of a perfect day, what she’s most proud of, and more!
Pro tip: Lacee’s new program, For Beginners Only, is coming to BODi on March 6, 2023 — more information to come!
What You Don’t Know About Me … by Lacee Green:
1. What is one word that would describe your journey to become a Super Trainer? Purposeful.
2. If you weren’t a Super Trainer, what would you be doing with your life? Hosting my own talk show or game show with an Oprah vibe helping women all over the world find their power.
3. Three qualities that have gotten you to where you are today: Positivity. Kindness. Humor.
4. What do you think would be the #1 thing that you hope people learn from you and continue to learn from you? Love themselves right where they are — because fitness is for EVERY BODi and EVERYBODi — as they work toward who they are becoming.
To be brave enough to just go for it. Because what if it turns out better than they could have ever imagined?
5. How did your signature “WOOT WOOT” start? I have always believed that EVERYTHING in life is ENERGY!
And “WOOT WOOT” became my catchphrase to let people know I saw their energy and I was giving them all of mine right back.
My mom always taught me that if someone ever gives you a Tupperware with something in it, you always return it full of something you can give back. Never return it empty.
We all have some “WOOT WOOT” inside of us to share with the world!
6. What is something that recently moved you? Watching one of the women I met solely on BODi step into her power.
Claudia, who has battled epilepsy (now three years seizure-free!), had five inches of her brain removed, lost 90 pounds this past year, and shows up to every single one of my BODcasts with the biggest smile and all the love, and never hesitates to celebrate and encourage everyone around her.
She is the epitome of #healthesteem.
7. What’s it like being a mom? There’s this boy who holds my whole heart — and he calls me “MOM.”
Being a mom is like wearing your heart outside your body for the rest of your life. Every year is a new journey, and it goes by so fast. There’s no book on parenting.
There are days that feel so rewarding like you’re totally nailing it, and then days where you wonder if you said the right thing or maybe could’ve done more. And lots of laundry and dishes!
You remember the days of running to the swing on the playground, and then all of a sudden, you’re watching them run into the endzone of their high school football championship.
Being a mom makes you braver and more fearless than you think you are.
And no matter how many goals I reach, or dreams I achieve, my greatest accomplishment will always be being Kayin’s mom, and I feel so blessed to have a front-row seat in his life.
When people ask me what I hope my son does with his life or what I want him to be, my only answer will ever be is: “happy.”
8. What’s the background on your phone? Picture of my son and I at his football game.
9. What are you most proud of and why? I will always be most proud to be Kayin’s mom.
But when it comes to my life and what I have achieved personally, I would say that I am most proud that no matter how tough it got or how challenging life felt or how many times I got set back or knocked down, I never let the hard things in life change my smile or my purpose.
I always believed in myself and kept going. Going from being the modifier in #mbf Muscle Burns Fat to a Beachbody Super Trainer makes me pretty doggone proud!
But mainly if someone out there has breathed a little easier because of me or someone took a brave step toward their dream because of my story, that makes me even prouder.
10. What’s your idea of a perfect day? A pool day or beach day with my son, family, and friends with all my mom’s homemade food, and her signature Dutch apple pie.
And definitely playing some sort of goofy game that I made up like water balloon tag or freeze dance. Making memories and being fully in the moment and of course, a really good playlist.
11. Who’s your biggest role model? My mom.
12. Who is your favorite dinner companion? Will forever be my chocolate lab Booker, who is savoring all the treats in doggie heaven now.
13. What is the quality you most cherish in a friend? Unconditional love.
14. What makes you laugh no matter what? Watching anything ACE VENTURA.
15. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? Parenting a teenager!
Maybe climbing to the top of a crazy high mountain and ziplining over a waterfall in Costa Rica.
But honestly, my most adventurous “thing” is following this dream of mine.
I never needed anyone else to understand it or give me permission. I just knew in my heart that it was what I was supposed to do.
16. The best advice you’ve ever gotten? A quote I live by: “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel,” by Dr. Maya Angelou.
17. What advice would you give someone who is intimidated to work out?
First, I would find out what was stopping them. Then I would tell them to focus on the person that they want to become.
And to then take all their courage to do the thing that person would do and to remember that the journey of 1,000 miles started with one single step.
18. NSYNC or Backstreet Boys? NSYNC! BYE, BYE, BYE, Backstreet Boys.
19. What is something people would never guess just by looking at you? That I am afraid of the dark. And NEVER EVER watch scary movies. Like, ever.
20. What excites you the most about your program, For Beginners Only?
EVERYTHING! I have dreamed of having my own Beachbody program for years.
For the first time, we are giving people all over the world a place to start, whether they have never worked out in their lives or they just know they want to make a choice to be healthier and stronger.
For Beginners Only is a program where EVERY BODi and EVERYBODi can feel welcomed, included, and successful from their very first workout, with a whole lot of fun and WOOT WOOT!
I love that every exercise we are choosing and every positive affirmation we choose will help each person focus on their health esteem.
I imagine moms and daughters, dads and sons, families, active agers, and especially those who have ever had the thought that fitness wasn’t for them or felt intimidated by the gym or exercise, doing this program together, with a smile.
My goal is for each person to feel confident in knowing that fitness comes in every shape, age, size, body type, and race and that they are right where they are supposed to be.