21 Day Fix Countdown to Competition Meal Plan

21 Day Fix Countdown to Competition Meal Plan

Almost every weekend, Social Media Specialist (and fitness fanatic) Amanda Meixner preps her meals and shares her photos on her Instagram account. Her simple photos remind us meal prep doesn’t have to be hard. Follow her on Instagram and check out her blog, Running Wild.

This week she is following Autumn’s Calabrese’s Countdown to Competition Diet from 21 Day Fix EXTREME. Amanda is in the 1,800–2,099 calorie bracket which calls for 5 green, 9 red, 2 yellow, and 4 teaspoon containers per day. Pictured below is a sample day. Amanda used chicken breast, ground turkey, and trout as her lean proteins which are substitution options for Autumn’s cod at every meal. You can also substitute Shakeology for 1 red container.

When Autumn is getting ready for a competition, she alternates two consecutive days of this meal plan, with one day of the 21 Day Fix EXTREME meal plan for 18 days, then finishes strong with 3 days of the Countdown to Competition Diet. Keep in mind, she is a professional athlete. If this meal plan is too EXTREME for you, try reversing this and eating for two days on the 21 Day Fix EXTREME meal plan, and one day on the Countdown to Competition Diet. Another option is to eat for two weeks on the 21 Day Fix EXTREME meal plan, and then finish with one week of Autumn’s Countdown to Competition Diet.

This focused meal plan is a great option if you have an event that you want to look your best for, if you want to get shredded fast, or to see how far you can push your nutrition.

Countdown to Competition Meal Prep

Meal 1: Oatmeal and egg whites with 1 tsp. coconut oil (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp.)
Meal 2: Chicken and sweet potato (1 red, 1 yellow)
Meal 3: Trout and broccoli with 1 tsp. coconut oil (1 red, 1 green, 1 tsp.)
Meal 4: Lean ground turkey and green beans with 1 tsp. coconut oil (1 red, 1 green, 1 tsp.)
Meal 5: Trout and broccoli with 1 tsp. coconut oil (1 red, 1 green, 1 tsp.)
Meal 6: Chicken and green beans (1 red, 1 green)
Meal 7: Trout and broccoli (1½ red, ½ green)
Meal 8 (not shown): Trout and green beans (1½ red, ½ green)

Grocery List (for 3 days of Countdown to Competition Diet):
2–3 lbs. boneless. skinless chicken breast
3–4 lbs. trout
1 lb. ground turkey
3 bags of chopped broccoli
2 large bags of green beans
3 small sweet potatoes
Steel cut oatmeal
2 cartons egg whites
Extra virgin coconut oil

Curious about the containers she uses? You can find them here.