Try This 10-Minute Ab Workout With Tony Horton

We know what you’re thinking: There’s no way you can get in a heart-pounding, fat-incinerating workout in just 10-minutes.
That’s faster than most warm-ups and less time than it takes many people to order lunch.
And the way most people work out — plodding through endless sets of 8 to 10 reps with plenty of rest and water breaks — you’d be right.
Even a 10-minute ab workout probably seems like it wouldn’t do too much… unless you do it the right way.
When it comes to building muscle and losing weight, the science is clear: Exercise density and intensity are much more important for weight loss than workout duration.
Indeed, even just a single minute of all-out effort within a brief, 10-minute workout, performed 3 days a week, is all it takes to boost cardiovascular endurance and reap the physical rewards of much longer sweat sessions, according to a recent study at McMaster University in Canada.
Now imagine what can happen if you push hard for all 10 of those minutes. In just a few weeks, you’d see a stronger, slimmer person staring back at you in the mirror.
Experience the results yourself with 10-Minute Trainer, available exclusively on Beachbody On Demand.
10-Minute Abs From Tony Horton
Here are the 17 ab exercises you’ll find in this 10-minute ab workout. Head to Beachbody On Demand to learn how to do each exercise properly.
- Cross Crunch – 0:50
- Bridge Crunch – 1:25
- Iso Bike – 2:00
- Speed Bike – 2:32
- Golden Gate – 3:05
- Side Arm Crunch – 3:45
- Hip Lift Kick – 5:00
- Plank “O” Crunch – 6:15
- 3-Point Plank Crunch – 6:55
- Lolasana – 8:03
- The Dawn – 8:40
- Mountain Climber – 9:20
- Superman Crunch – 10:00
- Tick-Tock Lift – 10:45
- Peek-A-Boo – 11:20
- Scissor Crunch – 11:55
- Scissor Lift – 12:35
The 10-Minute Ab Workout
With the 10-minute ab workout above, Horton takes you through 17 exercises that target each section of your core, while also hitting muscles like your shoulders, arms, glutes, and more.
It’s great for a daily or weekly ab workout, and it’s perfect to do at home since you don’t need any weights or equipment (but a mat might be nice).
From cross crunches to iso bikes to plank crunches, your abs will be on fire at the end of this 10-minute ab workout routine.
The variety of moves ensures that you’ll work your entire core, giving you a complete, well-rounded workout.
And it will help you get just that much closer to sculpting the six-pack you’ve always wanted.
If you don’t feel comfortable doing the full exercises, just follow Horton’s instructions to do the modified versions, which hit the same muscles at a lesser intensity.