Beachbody Results: Check Out This Father Of Five Who Lost 55 Pounds

Beachbody Results: Check Out This Father Of Five Who Lost 55 Pounds

Christopher Crean lost 55 lbs. with P90, P90X3, and INSANITY. He entered his results into the Beachbody Challenge, and won the $500 Daily Prize for March 6th!

Tell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
I am an active dad of five kids, husband, and volunteer firefighter, and work full-time. I got very complacent with eating whatever I wanted, and did not exercise other than walking our family dog. When I hit 43 this year, I was over 270 pounds, not fitting into the XXL clothing I owned and not happy with my personal appearance. My own father would tell me to “lose weight,”and “you’re getting fat!” I was tired all the time, my joints ached, my lower back hurt, and my blood pressure was increasing every time it was taken!

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I lost my father to cancer in March of this year and was determined to start a new way of life. But as usual, I let my excuses get in the way. I donate platelets every month here on Long Island. Every month they would take my blood pressure, and every month my numbers kept increasing. In May, I was denied donating platelets due to my blood pressure being over accepted limits (160/108). The phlebotomist at the blood center was very concerned, and advised me to go straight to my doctor for treatment. I visited my doctor, and she was also very concerned and immediately prescribed a blood pressure medicine for me to take daily to help control it.o My doctor also told me that I was pre-diabetic!* I was embarrassed and ashamed that I let myself get to this stage. I thought, “I am 43 and am now on blood pressure meds.” I reached out to an old friend who is a Beachbody Coach, and he directed me in the right direction!

What is the greatest challenge you faced before beginning the program? How did the program and Beachbody help you overcome that challenge?
My biggest challenge was finding time to work out! Also, performing a workout program that I enjoyed and felt like I could do! With the help of my Beachbody Coach, he gave me the direction on what program to start with. He guided me daily with text messages, and answered all of my questions. P90 was my first program, and I became addicted! I found that I could do the exercises. I found that I could wake up earlier than I normally do to work out. I found that I loved working out in my own home. I found out that my wife wanted to take the journey with me toward a new, healthier life! I love Beachbody On Demand. I love Tony Horton. I love to exercise. I love that I lost 50-plus pounds in five months. I love how my body looks. I love my new smaller clothes. I love that my blood pressure is back to normal!

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?
P90 was a great way to ease into the workout program. It made me realize that I could do the things that Tony Horton wanted me to do. I thought I’d never be able to perform, but man I am performing daily and hitting it!

Describe the results you achieved with your Beachbody program. Which achievements are you proud of?
I started Day One weighing in at 272 pounds, size 38 pants, XXL shirts, and blood pressure of 160/108. After 90 days of P90, I was down to 230 Pounds, size 36 pants, XL shirts, and blood pressure of 122/72. I am very proud of my commitment and the desire I grew within to want to be a better, healthier person. I love my new look! Abs are very close to coming out too!


How has your life changed since completing your Beachbody program?
I am more focused on my diet and my family’s diet. Plus, working out in our home is a family thing! I love working out and looking great! I love being recognized by friends and family on my new healthier look! I completed a Tough Mudder event last week! My life has changed for the better! I’m healthier both inside and outside.

How did participating in a Challenge Group help you reach your goals? How did your group support you and keep you accountable?
I communicated with Rohan daily to keep myself accountable for my workouts. I was glad I had a Coach by my side supporting me and teaching me! I also have my wife, Denise, on my team. We have worked out to P90 and P90X3 every day together, and have both changed our lives together! I am so grateful for Rohan and his dedication toward living a better life. He is a great role model!

How did your Team Beachbody Coach support you on your journey?
Rohan and I communicate every day! He has been with me every step of the way! I couldn’t have done this without his leadership and support.

How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (such as Shakeology or Beachbody Ultimate Reset) support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits you gained? Did you see benefits to your energy, sleep, mood/mental clarity, or digestion/regularity?
We have been using Shakeology daily since Day One of our transformation! We are true believers in the product, and will continue to use Shakeology. We drink our shake every morning. We find that it takes away our hunger and allows us to maintain a healthy diet. I am currently doing the 3-Day Refresh program and feel the effects! I have lost four pounds in two days, and it’s also helping me to become more dedicated to my diet.

How did a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program affect any existing health conditions you have?
My wife and I feel that Shakeology has helped with our daily digestion. My wife had some issues with regularity, but Shakeology has helped that!+

Did you achieve any other measurable improvements with a Beachbody supplement, nutritional product, or program (e.g. blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides, etc.)?
Blood pressure is down due to P90, P90X3, and Shakeology!+

You can change your life, too. Take the Beachbody Challenge for the tools you need to Decide, Commit, and Succeed! Complete any Beachbody program, and enter your results for a free gift and a chance to win cash and prizes.


Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.
oConsult your physician before discontinuing or altering any prescribed medication.
+These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Always consult with your physician about your unique medical needs before starting any fitness program or nutrition product.