7 Things Only People on the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan Will Understand

There’s a magical thing that happens when you start using Portion-Control Containers.
You start to visualize the correct portions of food, and eating healthy becomes so much easier!
Since I began using the containers, I now think of all my food groups in colors. Green for veggies, Purple for fruit, Red for protein, Yellow for carbs, Blue for healthy fats, and Orange for nuts and seeds.
Weird? Not at all! I absolutely love it.
Adding food to a calorie counter would be my worst nightmare, and with the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan, I don’t have to worry about that at all.
(photo by @MeowMeix)
If you follow the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan long enough, there will come a time when people start to ask you about the containers, and if you stole a kid’s building blocks to eat your food. That’s when you get to tell them a) no and b) how you use these containers to help you eat healthier.
Here are seven other things only people following the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan will understand:
1. Stuffing Containers to Their Limit
I get three yellow containers a day? That brown rice will be the most compact unit seen to man. That broccoli will have no breathing room. If the lid fits, I’m eating it!
(photo via @JeannaCat)
2. The Blue container Dilemma
Sometimes it can be a seriously tough choice to decide between ¼ of an avocado and cheeeeeeeeeeeese. I mean, cheese!
(photo by @MeowMeix and @paris.goes.fit)
3. It’s Actually a Lot of Food
Look at all that food! And guess what? That isn’t even everything. I’m in the 1,500–1,799 calorie level, meaning I get 4 green containers (veggies), 3 purple containers (fruits), 4 red containers (proteins), 3 yellow containers (carbs), 1 blue container (healthy fats), 1 orange container (nuts and seeds), and 4 teaspoons (oils and nut butters) each day.
4. Saving All Your Yellows for a Yreat
“Am I doing this right?” The three-treats-a-week rule means you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying your favorite snack, whether that’s chocolate, tortilla chips, or oatmeal cookies.
(If you’re a true Fixer, you’ll know that wine counts as a yellow, but we think the fruit association below is pretty hilarious.)
(photo via @LauraParisOMD)
5. Picking the Nut With the Most Kernels per Serving
So you’re telling me I can have 20 pistachios or 8 cashews? Pistachios it is!
6. The Struggle of Figuring Out How to Fit the Latest Health-Food Trend Into a Container
For some people (read: me), there’s nothing better than a cold, fresh jar of kombucha.
Good thing BODi’s team is always working on keeping the food list updated — so don’t be shy about asking what an equivalent is if it’s not on the list in your guide!
(FYI: A 12-ounce kombucha counts as one yellow in the Beverages/Substitutions category.)
7. The Results are Amazing
Autumn Calabrese was really on to something when she put this program together.
Just take a look at Alexandria! She lost 13.6 pounds and 14 inches in two rounds of 21 Day Fix. And she’s not alone — here are plenty more “before” and “after” photos that show how well this nutrition and workout program works.