
MAX:30 isn’t just INSANITY on fast forward. With 150 brand-new moves, it’s a whole new way to work out. Max-out a little farther each day, and when that happens, you’re going to look and feel amazing.

Program Materials

Quick Start

MAX:30 Getting Started Guide is 5 easy steps for Day One.

Fitness Guide

MAX OUT GUIDE gives you all the tools for maximum results.

2B Mindset Quick Start Guide

Follow these simple steps to help you get started with the 2B Mindset Eating Plan.

Portion Fix Quick Start Guide

Follow these simple steps to help you get started with the Portion Fix Eating Plan.

Nutrition Guide

How to eat what you love and still get crazy-good results.

Progress Tracker

A simple body measurement tracker to help you gauge your progress during the 60-day program.

Insanity max :30 Max Out Tracker

The entire fat-blasting, muscle-shaping program at a glance.

INSANITY MAX:30 Food Tracker

Keep track of your portions as you follow the Nutrition to the Max eating plan.

7-Day Ab Maximizer

Maximize your results with the 7-Day Ab Maximizer Guide and food journal.


All the answers you need to get the results you want!

Spotify Playlists

Good beats can help push you through your last Max out time.