
Move with more ease in every part of your life. Amoila mixes lifting and primal movement in a way you’ve never seen before to help you build mobility and strength. Prepare your body to achieve what you never knew it could. Master the flow. Get a total-body tune-up. And repeat.

Week 1 (5-Day)

Tempo Strength: Chest & Back
with Amoila Cesar

WELCOME, SQUAD! During the next several weeks, Amoila will help you unlock new levels of fitness and performance, and it all starts with 2 blocks of tempo-based chest and back moves with an 8-minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) finisher. You’ll also get an introduction to the ABCs of primal movement. Remember to trust the process because YOU are built for this.

Hot Start: Shoulders
with Amoila Cesar

Target your shoulders and core starting with three strength exercises and a muscle-burning cardio move, then ending with push pull. Today’s primal movement lesson is the underswitch and side kick-through.

EMOM Circuit: Legs
with Amoila Cesar

This lower-body burner starts with a 12-minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) circuit before transitioning to a quad-focused strength/plyo superset. Keep up with Amoila as he leads you to the final “3-1-3” drill that’s sure to leave you drenched.

Burnout: Arms & Flow
with Amoila Cesar

This workout alternates arm exercises and total-body cardio moves to help you build sleeve-stretching strength as you burn fat all over. Cap it off with a primal flow to boost your mobility, elevate your performance, and accelerate your recovery.

MixMet Vol. 1
with Amoila Cesar

This full-body metabolic challenge will get your heart pounding and sweat pouring with a technique called “alphabet soup.” You’ll do 4 sets of the same 5 moves, but the order will change each time. Keep your form tight and give every rep your all!

Week 2 (5-Day)

EMOM Circuit: Chest & Back
with Amoila Cesar

This week’s EMOM targets your upper body with four moves that will leave your chest and back begging for mercy. Then, you’ll double down with a targeted strength/plyo superset to boost strength and power. Keep chopping wood!

Tempo Strength: Shoulders
with Amoila Cesar

This workout might focus on your shoulders, but you’ll see the results all over. Varying your lifting pace/tempo helps maximize the challenge—and your gains—followed by an 8-minute AMRAP. Stick to Amoila’s lead, maintain good form, and give every rep your all.

Burnout: Legs
with Amoila Cesar

Cook your quads and sculpt your glutes with some of Amoila’s favorite moves for targeting your lower half. Since it’s leg day, he also has a special “3-1-3” drill and primal movement finisher in store. Hands on bell!

Hot Start: Arms & Flow
with Amoila Cesar

The combination of strength and cardio moves in today’s workout will smoke your upper body—especially your arms—while burning body fat all over. You’ll also perform a primal flow that tests your stamina while helping you build muscular endurance.

MixMet Vol. 2
with Amoila Cesar

It’s time for another serving of “alphabet soup.” You’ll do the same moves as Vol. 1, but each set is now 5 minutes instead of 6. The result: less rest and more burn. Grab your weights and have a towel and water bottle handy—it’s go time.

Week 3 (5-Day)

Hot Start: Chest & Back
with Amoila Cesar

Presses, rows, pullovers, and slams await you in this comprehensive upper-body workout, so grab your weights and a towel (yes, a towel!) to build head-turning muscle. You’ll finish with primal movements that enhance mobility and strength from head to toe.

Burnout: Shoulders
with Amoila Cesar

This targeted workout consists of five strength exercises that will work your shoulders from every angle, improving definition, power, and strength. Test your stability learning scorpion reach!

Tempo Strength: Legs
with Amoila Cesar

It’s leg day again, but this time, you’ll focus on the muscles of your posterior chain, especially your hams and glutes. An 8-minute AMRAP and a final 3-1-3 drill will make sure you work your lower half hard enough to see eye-popping results.

EMOM Circuit: Arms & Flow
with Amoila Cesar

Today, it’s all about your arms, starting with wrist mobilization to prepare you for a 12-minute EMOM that will work your bis, tris, and forearms, as well as your chest and core. Finish with a primal flow that builds endurance, agility, and coordination.

MixMet Vol. 3
with Amoila Cesar

You know the drill, but Amoila keeps the challenge fresh with five sets of exercises instead of four. It’s the perfect opportunity to gauge your progress and celebrate how far you’ve come!

Week 4 (5-Day)

Primal Movement Activation
with Amoila Cesar

This 25-minute “activation” workout will keep you performing at your peak with primal movements that boost mobility and coordination. Use it as a warm-up before scheduled workouts or between them on rest days to help accelerate your recovery.

Primal Movement Flow
with Amoila Cesar

Primal movements are part of most workouts in CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER, but in this half-hour session, they are the workout. Amoila will break down the moves step-by-step so you feel confident to flow through it freely and master it. You’ll love how light, agile, and strong you feel!

Joint Mobilization
with Amoila Cesar

Enhancing joint mobility is the key to unlocking greater strength, because it allows you to express your strength through a greater range of motion—and this 25-minute session proves it. Breathe deeply and follow Amoila’s cues to optimize your results.

Full Body Foam Rolling
with Amoila Cesar

Enhance your performance and improve your mobility with this full-body foam rolling (i.e., “myofascial release”) session. You can stack it onto a regular workout or perform it any time your body needs a little extra TLC.

MixMet Vol. 4
with Amoila Cesar

You’re fitter and stronger than ever, which is why Amoila picks up the pace in this final MixMet workout. You’ll have just four minutes per set to complete all of your reps of all five exercises. Be proud and move with greatness.

Bonus Workouts

with Amoila Cesar

The Turkish get-up is a classic, functional move that builds strength, stability, and coordination, which is why Amoila devoted an entire session to helping you master it. Click play, stay focused, and learn the 6 stations for a total-body workout in just one move.

Primal Movement Cardio
with Amoila Cesar

This 25-minute sweat session combines classic, heart-pumping cardio moves with a mix of primal movements. Stack it onto your regular workout or perform it any time you could use a good sweat, including recovery days.

Primal Movement Flow Express
with Amoila Cesar

Find freedom in movement with this 25-minute intermediate flow that will help boost your endurance while leaving you feeling light, free, and powerful. (Note: There will not be a modifier.)