19 Things You Don’t Know About Sagi Kalev

You know the “official” Sagi Kalev: The Beachbody Super Trainer who delivers jaw-dropping results with programs like Body Beast, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and his punishing new workout series, A WEEK OF HARD LABOR.
You also probably know the former two-time Mr. Israel for his “Sagi-isms”:
“I can feel my shirt getting tighter already.”
“You want some of this? We gonna give it to you.”
“This ain’t no Barbie workout.”
“Do you need a hug?”
And of course, “Whatever it takes!”
Now it’s time to get know the man behind the muscles; the soft and cuddly side of the Beast, if you will. Check out Sagi’s favorite food, what motivates him, and what always puts him in a good mood!
1. My favorite food is: Cinnabon
2. My least favorite food is: kale
3. My idea of a perfect meal is: The one you eat at the right time and in the right portion and you cooked it yourself, and you feel satisfied.
4. What motivates me when I’m not in the mood to work out or eat healthy: I remember my mission to be the best I can be to inspire others to be the best they can be. If the Beast is going to slack off, what message does that send?
5. My guilty pleasure: I don’t have guilt.
6. One thing I’m exceptionally good at: Solving problems. My wife calls me Sherlock Holmes. I also play the piano.
7. One thing I’m exceptionally bad at: I have dyslexia and ADD, so writing is tough for me. But I realized what I fear the most is what I must face the most. That’s how you get better. If you see a door, don’t open it; kick it. Oh, and I can’t sing.
8. How I clear my head after a crappy day: I don’t have bad days. I call them “character-building” days. If I fall seven times, I get up eight times.
9. The song (or type of music) that always puts me in a good mood: Tupac, Biggie Smalls. I also love opera, Andrea Boccelli, Julio Iglesias.
10. The talent I would most like to have: I only focus on the talents I have and I’m so grateful that I have a platform where I can help others.
11. Who I admire and why: My mother, because she always told me that I could accomplish anything.
12. The most overrated virtue is: To be completely self-sufficient. It’s OK to ask for help.
13. The quality/qualities I most admire in someone: Staying positive. Integrity. Generosity.
14. The things I most value in my friends: Loyalty and trust.
15. Three qualities that have gotten me to where I am today: Consistency, loyalty, willing to do whatever it takes. I’m not a quitter; I’m a warrior.
16. The best advice I’ve ever gotten: Always remember to be grateful. If you don’t handle life with grace, it will stick to your face.
17. How would you describe yourself: I’m not a meathead, I’m a Renaissance man. You can put me in any room and I can talk about anything. I have Ph.D. in experiences, in the school of life.
18. My idea of perfect happiness: To wake up every morning with an agenda.
19. What always puts me in a good mood: Looking at my wife.